View Full Version : HELP with Jandy Aqualink RS 8

01-06-2008, 01:55 PM
I really messed up this morning. My jandy JVA 2440 Actuator Valve wasnt working .It was making noise So i decdied to remove it from the valve and look inside to see what gears where damaged. Well they all looked ok
When I did this I the Aqualink was off but I FORGOT to turn off power to it. I then hooked everything back up and My Aqualink is not working its completely dead expect for tranformer hummm.

I checked the 3 amp fuse on the back of the main PCB circuit board. The fuse is not blown. I HOPE i didnt burn out the board. I am hoping someone here can tell me what I can do. I did try the reset button on the main board but nothing.

So now I made I simple problem into I big problem. I cant believe I didnt shut off the power first.

HELP ?????
Does anyone know who I can send this too to get fixed. I will call jandy in the morning.
This has ready upset my sunday football mind frame.

I await any reply
thanks GB

01-06-2008, 04:24 PM
OK, fist, calm down - you won't think right when all upset and worried:)

Have you tried killing the power to everything for 30 sec. - a min.? Sometimes it takes more than the reset button to clear a motherboard problem. Did you hear any 'sparking/ zapping' when reassembling the actuator? How many actuators do you have? There is also a 'bus' fuse (sorry can't quite describe where it is) check that one too (I think it's 20 amp). Make sure all electrical connections are in place. The transformer 'humming' indicates that the unit iis getting power, it just is unable to do anything with it;)

If what I've said doesn't do the trick, call the service # (using a cell phone or wireless phone, so you can be at the box while talking to them) and they will be better able to diagnose and correct the problem, if it's something you can do yourself.

Good luck with this, please let us know what was needed to fix the problem -- you're not the only on with this unit and others may one day have the same problem:D

01-06-2008, 09:18 PM
Thanks for reply

I checked the 3amp fuse and it wasnt blown. The transformer is humming however when I tested the the output wires going to the board there NOTHING so I am hoppping I only burnt out the transformer.

I found Jandy trouble manual online. It states if you shortout the wires on the JVA first check the transformer f ,then fuse ,then if both are ok then the PCB .

Will call jandy in the AM and order new Jandy transformer # 6612 .

I wll then have to figure out why the JVA is making clicking noise and stops 1/2 way turning the valve
I had manually switched the spa off when I was heating the pool ,then my father in law went into the spa started hitting buttons , He drained my spa into the pool and the JVA was making clicking sounds when I went to pumps

So now when I go to spa mode it seem to not turn all the way to spa mode without me helping it by hand and stops and start clicking. I am guessing I needed to adjust it. Seems like all the gear inside the JVA arent worn like I expected to see.

Dam father in law .He should have asked first .This is not like has above ground pool


Does anyone here sell Jandy parts ??????? if so please email me tampavii@aol.com

01-06-2008, 09:25 PM

yes i did turn everything off and also disconected the battery too NOTHING

Reset on mother board NOTHING

NO Sparking or Zapping when I disconnected or connected the JVA

I have 2 JVA

Where is the BUS FUSE located ????? i am guessing on the Mother board I only see one small glass fuse

Does humming on transofrmer mean its working ??? However I have no reading on test meter when I test the 2 wires(Yellow)going to board along with green ground


01-08-2008, 12:02 PM
Well this morning I just replaced the transformer parts # 6612 my system is now working .I blow out the transformer when I forgot to shut off power to the system. $130.00 mistake. However MY JVA are still clinking . I iwll start another post for this problem.

Called Jandy they give me this guy ##Mark 707-539-3904 He is guy that make these PCB board. Jandy told me if it was the board he would fix it for $125.00 so call this guy before you replace the board.

05-24-2010, 03:28 PM
Hello all.

I have arrived at the same diagnosis as my transformer hums, but tests 120 in and 0 out. I have purchased the transformer.

Besides turning power off at the breaker, is there anything else I need to be aware of to avoid damaging the new unit(and/or myself)?

