View Full Version : Dirt in Pool

07-28-2007, 08:36 PM
For the past several weeks we have what appears to be yellow dirt and some black flecks on the bottom of the pool. We have a DE filter and the pool is about 9000 gallons. At first we thought it had somethin to do with the pucks, because it would be fine after vacuming and within a half hour it was on the bottom again, but it also happens if the filter isn;t running. It is very fine, it you hit it with the brush it goes up in a cloud. Could this be mustard algae. The black particles are very small and almost look like gnats or something.


09-08-2007, 11:53 AM
For the past several weeks we have what appears to be yellow dirt and some black flecks on the bottom of the pool. We have a DE filter and the pool is about 9000 gallons. At first we thought it had somethin to do with the pucks, because it would be fine after vacuming and within a half hour it was on the bottom again, but it also happens if the filter isn;t running. It is very fine, it you hit it with the brush it goes up in a cloud. Could this be mustard algae. The black particles are very small and almost look like gnats or something.


Did you ever get a response?? I seem to have the same problem with my DE Filter & would interested to know what others think it might be.

09-09-2007, 05:25 PM
My first thought is that it may be pollen--do you have trees nearby the pool? Or construction going on in your area? If so, vacuuming or daily brushing to stir the stuff up in the water and let the filter take it out is about all you can do.

It's also possible that it's mustard algae--what is your CYA level, and what is your average chlorine level? Does the yellow powder form on the sides of the pool or just the bottom? And does it appear to increase in amount over a few days?
