View Full Version : Old Nautilus leaks DE in to the pool.

04-24-2006, 08:28 AM
I have an old Nautilus that has probably seen it's better days but since I'm hard-headed, I'm going to try to keep it going another year or two.

Last year I started getting a little DE in the bottom so since I had a grid or two that were looking worn, I ended up just replacing the entire grid set. When I took it apart, the stand pipe o'ring had been replaced by rolled up duct tape so I assumed that this was at least partially the problem.

I ordered a new o'ring but when I went to re-install it, I can't get the dang'd maniold to seat all the way down over the o'ring on the pipe. Try as I may, lubed and all, can't get it down tight. I even used a mallet to try to beat it on-not a good idea to beat on plastic.

I guess I now know why the duct tape.

Any ideas? I guess I should look for a smaller o'ring but I wouldn't know where to find one.


04-25-2006, 11:32 AM
Over the years I have seen many of those old Nautilus filters operate without the "O" ring you mention and not leak DE into the pool. Try cleaning the pipe and inside the manifold port and making sure that the assembly sits as far down as it is meant to. Check for cracks in the manifold, especially around the holes for the rods. Make sure that the air-relief screen is in place and not damaged.

Are all of the grids properly seated in the manifold?

Another common cause for DE to be in the pool is worn seals in the backwash valve.

Hope this helps.