View Full Version : Bleach home delivery service

05-16-2007, 10:57 AM
Think I should start my own business? ha! I like the concept of the BBB method and the price savings, but I feel like all I do is buy bleach, haul it in, empty it, haul it out, and it sits in the "to recycle" corner forever! (We have to drive 20 minutes to get to a recycle station). I wish someone would deliver it to me and haul it away. I'm happy to dispense it myself. LOL.

05-16-2007, 11:19 AM
Yep, the jugs are pain and I feel guilty even though I take them to a recycling center. Some pool stores sell liquid chlorine in reusable jugs.

I take my bleach bottles and tie a long piece of twine on the handle of one jug, then thread the rest on the string. That way they are easier to move and don't blow out of the truck on the road. I leave the lids on to keep them from accumulating rainwater, but have to take them off at the landfill before I put them in the bin.