View Full Version : Quick CYA question

05-15-2007, 12:31 PM
The jug of stabilizer says to add slowly to skimmer while running the pump. Then it says you can't backwash for 24 hours. Yet I keep reading that it takes up to 7 days for the stabilizer to fully dissolve and to wait that long to test your CYA level.

If you can backwash after 24 hours, but have to wait 7 days for it to fully dissolve, then where is it at from hour 25 to the 7th day?

05-15-2007, 01:07 PM
Place the Stabilizer in an old sock (use 2, one in each skimmer basket if you have 2 skimmers) and let the stabilizer dissolve slowly in the sock.

This prevents you from backwashing away your very expensive Stabilizer.

If you pour it in and let it go to your sand filter, then backwash 24 hours later, you will wash away most of your stabilizer out to waste.

05-15-2007, 01:07 PM
dissolving in your filter! It will probably dissolve before 7 days have passed but it's good insurance so you don't backwash it out. If you do you will have to add more (and create more profits for the product company who wrote those label directions when you buy more of the stuff!)

05-15-2007, 01:15 PM
I put it in Saturday, directly into the filter, and don't plan on backwashing because that didn't make sense to me.

Them not warning not to backwash so you'd have to buy more just figures!

I'll try and remember the sock trick for next time.

Thanks folks :)