View Full Version : What are the chemicals I need?
04-22-2006, 11:31 AM
I forgot to ask this question in a previous post of mine in this same section - still waiting on answers to that one :)
What are the different chemicals I need and for what. Here is what I think I need so far:
Bleach = Chlorine
Muratic Acid = Lower pH
Borax = Higher pH
Baking Soda = ????
What else am I missing?
04-22-2006, 11:35 AM
Baking soda - raises alkalinity
Stabilizer - if CYA is too low...or you can use triclor pucks as your chlorine source if you need to raise CYA levels
04-22-2006, 12:33 PM
So what is the difference between Borax and Baking Soda if they both raise pH?
04-22-2006, 12:46 PM
You need to do some more reading. Go to and read the swimming pool tips and/or go to
It will answer every question you've asked to this point and many more.:)
04-22-2006, 02:10 PM
Baking Soda raises Total Alkalinity, a buffer for pH, not pH itself. It can raise pH some, but not effectively. At the pool store "Total Alkalinity Raiser" contains 100% sodium bicarbonate--baking soda.
Borax raises pH directly. Total Alkalinity goes up and down with pH but even though it goes up when you add Borax, you are only making go up with the pH, no more.
Baking soda increases the Tot Alk relationship to pH instead.
Soda Ash does both...
Bleach is simply one name for Sodium Hypochlorite solution. It may also be called Liquid Chlorine or Liquid Shock at pool stores, but it's the same stuff. If you can get a better price for it at the pool store (and it does happen if you hit the sales just right--sometimes Branch Brook has "Liquid Shock" 12.5% for $2.99/gallon) buy it!
You also need to measure CYA or Stabilizer or Conditioner... When you add this, it takes 48 hours to a week to hit its final level, so it's always better to use less than you estimate (I use 1/4 of my estimated amount), and see where it gets you, then repeat. CYA prevents chlorine breakdown. This is good in face of rapid depletion of chlorine by UV or contaminants, but can be bad by making the chorine unable to do its job. So for every level of CYA, there's a suggested Chlorine level--it's called "Ben's Best Guess Table".
But chlorine pucks, usually Tri-Chor, release CYA as well, and tend to lower pH, so be sure that's what you need for your water before you use them. Di-Chlor powder has the same effect but doesn't release as much CYA.
You can also use Dry Acid instead of Muriatic Acid. It's a lot easier and safer, although it's still dangerous and costs more. It can also be called "pH Down" or "Low 'n' Slo".
BTW, LongBranch is a long ways from me--I'm on the Morris/Essex counties border.
04-22-2006, 03:46 PM
Is Soda Ash another word for Baking Soda?
I read the link and that was a wealth of good information, but just not sure if people on this board are using the terms interchangeably.
04-22-2006, 09:01 PM
Soda ash is sodium carbonate, you can find it in the grocery store as 'washing soda' or 'sal soda' usually in the laundry aisle
04-22-2006, 10:14 PM
Okay...I think I'm getting this...see if my analysis is correct.
Total Alk can be raised by Baking Soda or Soda Ash. However, Soda Ash will tend to raise Ph somewhat equally where Baking Soda will only raise pH slightly as Total Alk goes up. So depending in situation (low pH and low Tot Alk lets say, I can use some Soda Ash) I'd use one or the other.
pH can be raised by Borax. So if Total Alk is fine, but pH is low, I probaly want to use Borax.
HOWEVER, I also need to be aware that bleach ALSO increases ph, so these all have to be in balance.
I think what I have learned from all this, is that any chemical I add, I should add in small amounts, wait a while (4 hours or more-except for CYA which could take a few days!) for them to properly distrubute throughout pool. Then, take readings again, add more of what ever is needed, and do the process again, till I have everything in balance, remembering all along that depending on the Chlorine I use, (although it looks like I'm leaning towards bleach....not liking what I'm reading about Trichol pucks), will affect pH.
Does that pretty much cover it?
Bleach (for chlorine)
Borax to raise pH directly
Muriatic Acid=Dry Acid to lower pH
Baking Soda=Sodium Bicarbonate=Total Alkalinity Raiser (to raise Total Alkalinity - will also raise PH a bit)
Soda Ash=sodium carbonate='washing soda'=sal soda' raises both pH and Total Alk equally
CYA/Stabilizer/Conditioner to establish the correct CYA level
Polyquat 60%--the ONLY algaecide you should use, on occasion
04-22-2006, 10:35 PM
You are on your way!
However, while Tri-chlor pucks and Di-Chlor powder will lower your pH noticeably when you chlorinate with them, Bleach will not raise pH noticeably.
While Bleach is a high-pH item, you can generally act as if it's neutral when adding it to your water. Borax is FAR more effective at raising pH.
So you should be testing your water all the time anyway, so you can stay ahead of changes in pH that you don't like.
04-22-2006, 10:45 PM
Okay...I think I'm getting this...see if my analysis is correct.
Bleach (for chlorine)
Borax to raise pH directly
Muriatic Acid=Dry Acid to lower pH
Both will lower pH but they are not the same...Muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) is less expensive, dry acid (sodium bisulfate--creates sulfuric acid when dissolved --oversimplified explanation;)) is easier to handle but it does put sulfates into the water.
Baking Soda=Sodium Bicarbonate=Total Alkalinity Raiser (to raise Total Alkalinity - will also raise PH a bit)
Soda Ash=sodium carbonate='washing soda'=sal soda' raises both pH and Total Alk equally
CYA/Stabilizer/Conditioner to establish the correct CYA level
Polyquat 60%--the ONLY algaecide you should use, on occasion
You got the chemistry down!
04-22-2006, 11:39 PM
By the way....I got a D+ in Chemistry class in highschool!
This is probably the most I ever understood the whole subjuect!
I guess now I have an incentive to understand it.....reduce pool costs! :-)
thank you all!