View Full Version : Just refilled pool, need help w/chemistry

05-11-2007, 03:56 PM
Hello all,

I just had to refill my 14,000 gal. 24' AG due to a vinyl liner problem over the winter. I had the water tested at Leslie's, here's the scoop:

PH 7.9
TA 110
Cal hardness 70
TDS 200
Phosphates 100

I have borax, baking soda, stabilizer, hardness plus, and liquid bleach at home.

Any help with the quantities to add and the correct order would be much appresh...


05-11-2007, 04:03 PM
I'd recommend 2.5 gallons of ultra bleach to get your chlorine to 15ppm, 2lbs CYA in a sock in the skimmer to get your CYA up a little under 20 as a starting point (it may take a few days for this to register), then about a cup and a half of muriatic acid to start lowering your pH. Check every thing again after it has had a chance to circulate for at least 4 or 5 hours and see where it stands before tweaking anything else. I think it's better to change things slowly when nothing is terribly out of range. Run the filter continuously for a few days.

05-11-2007, 04:04 PM
Hello all,

I just had to refill my 14,000 gal. 24' AG due to a vinyl liner problem over the winter. I had the water tested at Leslie's, here's the scoop:

PH 7.9
TA 110
Cal hardness 70
TDS 200
Phosphates 100

I have borax, baking soda, stabilizer, hardness plus, and liquid bleach at home.

Any help with the quantities to add and the correct order would be much appresh...


First of all, ignore the TDS and Phosphates readings you have, they are irrelevant in your current situation. I would start with adding approximately 1.5 gallons of 6% bleach to raise your chlorine to around the 6-7 ppm range. You're going to have to add bleach daily, preferably at night after the sun is off the pool, until you have some measureable CYA in the water. After you add your chlorine, I would go ahead and add enough stabilizer per the label directions to shoot for about 30 ppm (more or less if you have a preference). I usually add mine through the skimmer and let it dissolve in the filter, others have put it in an old nylon or tube sock and let it dissolve that way. In either case, be aware that it takes awhile (up to a week or so) for it to completely dissolve and show up as testable levels in your pool, so don't retest for it or add more 'til then.

Leave the calcium and TA alone. Might want to lower your pH just a TAD using muriatic acid--it should be in the 7.2-7.6 range.
