View Full Version : Slightly Cloudy Water after Opening

05-02-2007, 05:57 PM
I lifted the cover off my 24k gal vinyl pool this weekend. I probably should have waited another week since most of the trees were still blossoming around me. As it was, a lot of the petals wound up in the pool. I've shocked the pool past 20 ppm, but the pool is still a bit cloudy, but not badly so. Water clarity is just not there, although you can definitely see all the way to the main drain. It seems to just be floating debris but I am not sure. Other numbers are:

ph 7.2
TA 60
CYA 70ish

I don't think calcium is a problem since I have relatively soft water and only add Cal-hypo infrequently. In fact, before I found this forum, I got pool-stored into added cal-chloride to make the water harder. I know now that I shouldn't have to worry about increasing CH for a vinyl pool. :(

I've kept the Cl above 10 since opening, and have added DE to the filter occasionally. I've also added clarifier, but maybe too soon before the water started to really clear up. Should I shock again or just be patient and let the sand & DE do its thing?

05-02-2007, 06:34 PM
Go ahead and take your chlorine a bit higher. With a cya of 70ish, cl of 10 isn't very high. (See the chart below.) Also, run the pump 24/7 while you are trying to clear the water. Can you get a calcium reading? Also, your ph is OK at 7.2, but keep any eye on it that it doesn't go any lower. You might also consider raising your TA up to about 100 after you get your water clear by adding some baking soda.

Stabilizer . . . . . . Min. FC . . . . Max FC . . . 'Shock' FC
=> 0 ppm . . . . . . . 1 ppm . . . . . 3 ppm . . . . 10 ppm
=> 10 - 20 ppm . . . . 2 ppm . . . . . 5 ppm . . . . 12 ppm
=> 30 - 50 ppm . . . . 3 ppm . . . . . 6 ppm . . . . 15 ppm
=> 60 - 90 ppm . . . . 5 ppm . . . . . 10 ppm . . .. 20 ppm
=> 100 - 200 ppm . . . 8 ppm . . . . . 15 ppm . . .. 25 ppm

05-03-2007, 11:11 AM
My pool opened pretty clear then clouded up a bit. It had a lot of stuff on the bottom that was both pulled in and stirred up by my Pool Rover Plus. Now, after several days of filtering, the water is sparkling. Takes time for all that water to get filtered.

Patience is the key. I would get chems adjusted then wait UNLESS the water appears to be getting more cloudy, rather than less or the same.

05-04-2007, 08:19 PM
Yep, just be patient. Slightly cloudy water is totally normal, at least for a day or two. If you normally run your pump on a timer, be sure to let it run 24 hours a day for the first several days when you open the pool. After the water is crystal clear, then you can go back to filtering 8 or 10 hours/day or whatever works best for you.