View Full Version : Skimmer and returns poor position

03-31-2007, 06:45 PM
My pool skimmer is on the same side of the pool as my returns. The skimmer is 2/3 towards the deep end of the pool. The returns are on the same side as the skimmer, so no cross pool flow. How should I direct the returns so that the skimmer can do a good job. Should they be directed towards the bottom of the pool or towards the surface to move surface debris. I think any skimmer action at this time is by pure luck.
14X30 Pebblesheen
14100 gal

03-31-2007, 07:05 PM
Rick, there are 2 schools of thought on this:
1 - have the returns 'supplement' the skimmer. ie. have the returns directed in such a way that they create a 'flow' that will help all surface debris enter the skimmer.
2- Point the returns down and keep any heated or chlorinated water down in the water for more efficient heating or chlorinating.

If you'd give a little more info on the pool, and how you want the return water to work, I'll gladly tell you how to point the return jets. :)

04-03-2007, 07:44 PM
Thanks for your reply. My pool is 14X30, 14100 gals. Both of the returns and the skimmer are on the same wall. No cross pool flow. There seem to be dead spots of circulation in the pool where debris' gather and turn in circles, mostly in the corners. I have a Polaris so not much stays on the pool floor. I want the best skimmer action I can get to get the surface junk into the skimmer. I do have a side flow return outlet I can put in and it will create a circulation effect, but when watching it a lot of the debris just flows by the skimmer. I just installed a S-244 Hayward sand filter so I know the filtration is good, if a bit oversized. I have never set the returns to flow downward so I don't know how that would work. To me, the more surface movement the better. I know this works against the pH a bit but acid helps that. The pool configuration is oval but the corners are indented and the spa juts out about 4 feet, I don't know what that is called. Should I try pointing them down and see what happens?

04-04-2007, 09:26 AM
Rick, what I'm picturing is a double 'Roman end' with reverse radius corners.
If I'm picturing this correctly, it's going to be very hard to eliminate the 'dead spots', the 'irregular' shape of the corners and ends with only 2 returns (located as they are) preclude a circular motion of the water, you may end up having to use the skimmer net daily to get all the debris - or let it sink and have the polaris get it.
However, you could try pointing the shallow end return at the opposite shallow end corner (point it ~ level with the surface so that you see the ripples start ~ 5 -6' out from the wall) and use the side flow 'eyeball' in the deep end return - point it down and towards the skimmer (you don't want to see ripples caused by this one, point it down just enough so that they disappear). It may take a little 'tweeking' of the directionals to maximise the effect, and there will probably still be dead spots, but that's the best I can come up with right now - let us know how it works.

just saw the pics you posted - corners aren't reverse radius, but the spa is - the 'corners' where the spa meets pool wall will always be a dead spot