View Full Version : Winter Covers

03-27-2007, 03:47 PM
Its our first year going through the winter with our IG pool. We have a black cover that was protecting our pool. Now that the ice has melted and I can see the top of the cover, its is all covered in worms/leaves etc... but also green algae. What method do you use to clean it and where bouts do you do it and how do you store it over the summer. I am interested in hear ing from people who dont have a lot of space to spread it out to clean... do you do it on the car driveway??

03-30-2007, 10:51 AM
When I pull my cover off I try to keep as much of the junk on top from falling into the pool although most usually ends up in the pool anyway. :-)
I drag the cover to the front of the house and put it accross the driveway. I then use a solution of bleach and water in a bucket and wash it down with a mop. Let it dry in the sun and flip it over and do the same. Fold it up as best I can and store it away for the summer.
One of the saddest days is when I have to pull the winter cover out again!!!


03-30-2007, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the Tip, I figured as much. Oh well, here is to happy times!!

03-31-2007, 01:32 PM
Something that I figured out for my first pool opening that might make your life a bit easier. This was terrific in keeping the "junk" on top of the cover out of your nice clean pool. Bought rope...our pool is 30' round so we had two pieces of rope each over 40 ft. We tied it into grommets opposite the pool side that the deck is on. We chose grommets about 5-6 ft apart. We had two or three people holding the cover down on the sides of the pool as we held the deck side down with our foot (2 of us). We slowly pulled on the rope in 2-3' sections at a time until the other side of the cover reached the "side" people. As we kept pulling they moved towards us until they we didn't need them. The cover folded perfect in half with the dirty sides touching. Then the side people grabbed the middle and brought the middle to us> WA LA another neat fold w/ the junk inside. Then we grabbed both ends, slid it onto the deck and folded it up to throw it away...Really! It had holes in it from the pool co. so we duck taped the crap out of it for one season and will use our new replacement next year. GOOD LUCK

04-19-2007, 02:39 PM
On another forum it was suggested to pour diluted bleach on the cover before draining it to kill the algae. Brush it up a bit and let it sit a few hours. Then drain as much water off the cover as possible. After cover is removed, lay it down on a flat surface, clean with Simple Green and a push broom, rinse, dry and store.

04-19-2007, 04:30 PM
I always get my pressure washer out and clean the cover off in-place before I remove it, that way nothing drops into the pool.

04-19-2007, 08:44 PM
We used a mesh winter cover this year. I removed it today while the water was still cold (actually has a bit of ice yet) by folding over and pulling towards the edge. The water drained out as I pulled and folded and any leaves and debris came right out as a neat little "package." It still has a bit of ice in spots but by tomorrow it should be melted out. Some bleach went in. The cover got thrown over the clothes lines and sprayed off in sections. It will hang and then we will fold and roll up when dry.