View Full Version : Winter care for fiberglass pool

12-02-2006, 07:38 PM
We had a fiberglass pool installed this summer, but our pb hasn't given us any instructions on care so we had a pool service come and "close" it for winter. Do we have to do anything during the winter? Thanks.


12-02-2006, 07:55 PM
The answer is going to depend more on where you live than anything else.

12-02-2006, 08:03 PM
Sorry. We live just outside of Philadelphia.


12-03-2006, 06:02 PM
Tisha, nice to 'see' you again!
I'll assume that the pool co. evacuated the lines and added antifreeze, where applicable. This should be enough to insure that your plumbing is fine for the winter. That said, the other thing to keep an eye on is the water in the pool.
If the pool was clean, ballanced and shocked, you shouldn't have any nasty suprises next spring if you have a solid cover. If you have a mesh 'safety cover', it would be worth the effort to peel back a corner every other week and test the water (until the water temp stays consistantly below ~ 50 deg) and add some bleach as necessary. The mesh cover allows 'debris' to enter the pool and with the warmer than normal temps in the northeast this year, you may find a little algae is trying to 'take hold'. While it might be a bit of a PITA to do this, not having an algae-filled pool next spring will more than make-up for the little bit of increased work this fall (and do the same next spring, once the thaw comes, before you're ready to open the pool). CarlD says to 'take 2-5 min/ day to stay ahead of your water', I say to take 5 - 10 min 2X per month to stay ahead of your water over the winter :D !
I wish you well over the cold months and look forward to seeing yo here next spring !!!

12-03-2006, 07:26 PM
Hi Waste! Nice to "see" you again, too. I'm not sure about anti-freeze, but they did evacuate the lines and cap them. I think I'm just nervous because this is our first pool and we didn't have the best experience with our pb. Once Spring arrives and everything is o.k. I'll be able to relax and really enjoy it! Thanks.
