View Full Version : Pool/ Spa Lighting

10-19-2006, 09:17 AM
I have recently finished construction on my IG gunite custom form pool. I spent many of days clicking through everyones threads stealing/borrowing ideas. The ones that stick out the most involved the selection of lights in the pool and the spa. Well, after all was said and done, I went with Hayward's Color Logic LED lights. I installed two in the pool and one in the spa. I shot a short video last night and would like to share. This video is of one of many settings for the lights. I saw alot of still pics of the Color Logics but no video. The lights are in "Disco Mode". I will try to post some still shots later this evening. Thanks again to everyone who helped me make my decision.


10-19-2006, 02:17 PM
im glad you are happy with yours as we are with ours. its nice to put them on even when you are not swimming, creates a nice mood. We have an SWG and noticed that the stainless steel screws started to rust on the light cover after about 2 months, the PB says they had a bad stock of screws, something to look out for.

10-19-2006, 02:25 PM
im glad you are happy with yours as we are with ours. its nice to put them on even when you are not swimming, creates a nice mood. We have an SWG and noticed that the stainless steel screws started to rust on the light cover after about 2 months, the PB says they had a bad stock of screws, something to look out for.

Thanks for the heads up. I guess there are benefits in working for a fastener company...

BTW, have you heard of any additional downloads for the Color Logic lights to create additional moods, etc.? I cannot remember if I read it on the forum or if I heard it out on the street.

10-19-2006, 04:49 PM
Lighting looks great. I have the Polaris D'Light LED but some what unhappy about it's light output. Is the Hayward Color Logic a better producer of light output?

10-19-2006, 05:39 PM
Lighting looks great. I have the Polaris D'Light LED but some what unhappy about it's light output. Is the Hayward Color Logic a better producer of light output?

Towney, I looked at several different lights in action at night. Those included the Polaris d'Light, Pentair SAM's/ SAL's, etc. Everyone will have different opinions but I felt that the Hayward LED's put out a more vibrant/ non-muted color than the others. Hope that makes sense. My pool size is 36 x 22 (white plaster). I put 2 in the pool and 1 in the spa. I will try and get some pics uploaded from the 2nd story of my house to give you a better idea of how they light the pool/spa.

10-19-2006, 09:45 PM
Here is a still shot from the 2nd story. The light is in the darker blue shade at the moment.


10-19-2006, 11:05 PM
I have two color logics in a 16x34 darker liner pool. In a lighter lined pool your lights will look brighter, in my pool its more of a glow, its still bright, but not as bright as a pool with a white or light liner (plaster). Another benefit of LED's is they use less energy and last longer. I like the color patterns that favour the blues/pink (sangria they call it) and green, the red is a bit weird and not really bright enough. I also like the remote that the color logic comes with, so convenient to turn it on when you are inside to get that mood light going.
Alas, they have closed my pool today, so all I can see now is a dark winter cover.