View Full Version : Questions About Closing an IG Pool

10-06-2006, 10:57 AM
I live in Northern Alabama. I am closing my IG pool for the first time.

1 - I assume that I do all the chemical stuff before I lower the water level. Am I wasting my money if I buy a "winterizing" kit from a pool store? If so, what chemical treatment steps do I need to do to prep the pool for closing?

2 - If I understand correctly, I should only lower the water level below the skimmers, not the returns.

3 - I need to blow out the lines. How do I do this. I am assuming that I disconnect my filter and move it away from the pipes which connect to it, then open up all the valves and use some method to blow the water out. How do I do this?

4 - If I blow all the water out of the pipes, do I really need to add anti-freeze to the pipes?
