View Full Version : Tips from those who leave their AG pools open

09-22-2006, 08:56 PM
I have read where a couple of people in SC & LA leave their pools open in the winter. I'm in Georgia and was considering doing the same. This would be for an above ground Doughboy 16x32x4. For those of you who leave your pools open, what sort of schedule do you run your filter on? What do you do when there are freezing temperatures to protect the equipment? Any other tips? Thanks!

09-25-2006, 12:47 PM
Mine is IG, but I can't see that it's much different.....I run my pump for a couple of hours daily (most days), and if it's going to get below 30 degrees overnight, I run it overnight just to keep the water circulating. We rarely have more than 2-3 nights in a row where it gets that low, though. (I'm in Louisiana). I've never had any problem with doing it that way, except that you either need to take your pressure gauge inside, or plan to buy a new one each year--once it gets wet and cold, it sticks and is useless anymore.
