View Full Version : Cleaning IG pool light

09-19-2006, 07:49 PM
Does anyone take out their deep end light and clean the housing? While brushing around it yesterday, I noticed a little green algae around the light's housing. I was wondering what is growing behind the light. Just getting ready to close in a couple of weeks and thinking of a little cleaning before closing or am I asking for trouble?

09-19-2006, 10:21 PM
Joenj, most pool lights come out and reinstall very easily - 1 screw at the top. After you do it a few times, it becomes very easy to get it back in right. Cleaning out the niche is an excellent idea, not only for closing, but regularly throughout the summer. The water in an ~uncirculated area such as that is a perfect breeding ground for algae, Ben said on www.poolsolutions.com that brushing is required to 'stir up' the water in low circulation areas, such as around inlets/ outlets, walls, etc., to keep the 'greenies' at bay - so it only makes sense to clean the niche.
A quick, perhaps easier, idea is to weekly squirt some high concentration chlorine into the niche (turkey baster comes to mind), without having to remove the light. Just a thought...

09-20-2006, 07:28 PM
Thanks Waste for the advice. I'll take it out while the water is still warm, in case something falls to the bottom!

09-20-2006, 09:38 PM
Quick question.

Does one have to lower the level of the pool to take out the light or simply disconnect the fuse?

Please excuse me if this is a stupid question but have never had need to do this.

09-20-2006, 09:55 PM
squirting bleach behind the light could raise chlorine to corrosive levels in the niche, use caution if you decided to do this. We pulled out the light on my friends pool after MANY years and lots of algae problems in the pool. We found lots of MUD and lots of Calcium deposits, but no signs of algae.

09-20-2006, 10:26 PM
Smallpooldad, your advice on stains (and Marie's) helped me with a pool I had to treat a few weeks ago, so I definately owe you an answer. I don't know of any light that can't be removed with the water at operational level, most installers realise that the bulb may need to be changed at some point and leave enough cord to bring it up to the deck, even if they haven't, there should still be enough room to get it out of the niche enough to clean the niche. Hopes this partially repays my 'knowledge debt' to you :)

09-21-2006, 06:58 PM

Thank you for this answer. This more than repays me for the little help I sent you, especially as I will not have to drain the pool.
