View Full Version : What to do with solar cover

09-10-2006, 10:55 AM
Where do I store it for the winter?
Do I have to keep it in a warm area?

09-10-2006, 11:04 AM
facing the same concern...i would like to just take the whole thing (reel and cover) and put it in my garage..it probably gets as low as -15C in the worst of winter. unless i find out otherwise though, i think i'm going to have to roll it up and put it in the basement for storage for the winter. here's some starting tips from a site i just looked up:

It is recommended that your cover is cleaned and dried before storage over winter, preferably in a bag away from hot pipes, chemicals and vermin.All that is required for the cleaning of your solar blanket is a soft brush and clean cold water. Any time you plan to store your blanket away, it is important to make sure that you hose it off any chlorine with clean cold water. This will prevent chlorine concentration, which is damaging to the life span of the blanket. Mildew or algae build up can be easily removed by lightly scrubbing the solar blanket with a soft brush or rag. These substances are not damaging to the solar pool blanket. If you are planning to store your blanket for long period of time, (i.e. over winter) allow it to dry first, to prevent the growth of any mould and mildew.

09-10-2006, 08:16 PM
I have a 16x32 cover that I roll on a long 2" PVC pipe. When done for the season I prop it on end against the house for a few days to let it drain, then hang it from the rafters in the basement. I have 4 suspension points for nylon straps and to distribute the load even more so as not to damage the bubbles, I made some cradles for each point, about a foot long from strips of plywood then covered with heavy cardboard that the rolled cover rests in. I can take some pics if it would help.

09-10-2006, 10:40 PM
i love the idea of the pcv pipe..i was not looking forward to trying to "fold" the cover or roll it up conventionally..that also allows me to store in my garage rather than basement ***uming one thing.that cold weather won't hurt it? still a question in my mind...

otherwise, my thinking is i would get or construct a pipe long enough so that there was a foot on either end open..that then would be 2 clear suspension points (something like those bigger pipe hangar brackets......that i think would bear os the weight..but i would then use 2 nylon straps with foam pieces for padding about a 3rd and 2/3 of the way down the pvc pipe..the nylon straps would anchor on the wall on big nails..

something like that..that's how i "envision it. i also like it cause as i roll the cover onto the pipe i can do the cleaning of the outside bit by bit before storage.

09-10-2006, 11:32 PM
Sounds like your idea will work fine. My pipe is about 15' because I roll the cover while in the pool for normal on and off thus the pipe has to be less than the width of the pool. At 16' the 2" pipe will sag so depending on your width you may want to go to 3". I don't think cold or freezing should hurt it. Before I store it I stand it on end and tie it to a deck rail so the wind doesn't get it. Sheets are to protect the bubbles from the straps and the 5 gal buckets on top keep the rain out. Two are in the pic, one is a cheapo that will get cut up for end pieces eventually.


09-10-2006, 11:54 PM
good point on the tube, maybe..my cover is 18 ft at widest point, 13 at narrowest (kidney) i have 5 of those tie down straps on hand with hooks on the end and adjustable cleats so i plan to use those to support...one about every 3 ft or so and i think even with 2 inch tube it should be fine, eh?

09-11-2006, 06:45 AM
We leave ours on the reel and cover it with a winter cover. We got one 2' longer than needed so we could completely close the reel inside the bag. All we do is make sure all the excess water has drained off, then remove the reel (with the cover rolled up on it) from the side reel holders and put it right inside the bag, zip it up and tie it closed on the ends. We leave it laying right next to the pool all winter. It works great, and we've never had any damage as a result of it being left outside.


09-11-2006, 08:07 AM
Here's how I store mine for the winter -
I roll it up on the roller, then turn it half a rotation per day for about 1-2 weeks - this makes sure all water will eventually roll out of it.
Then I just leave it "as is" on the posts where the roller is mounted with a long piece of plastic bungeed around it as a final protective layer.
It's made from plastic and the winter will not hurt it, year 3 of doing this on a 3 yr cover that's on it's 4th year - still looks almost new.

09-11-2006, 08:39 AM
matt, doggie..you guys leave it outside over winter..i know you have snow, cold and humidity matt..what about you doggie? i considered leaving it on the roller and tarp cover the whole thing and bungie..that would definitely be simpler if the weather won't hurt it..mine is over 20 ft wide so no way i can store in the garage, but i do have lots of room to put it on the side in my yard.

09-11-2006, 08:42 AM
ps- i took a look at the cover and like the idea of it being completely enclosed with it, but i have exactly that plastic stand and i'd be concerned about the ends being open..i guess i could put a hefty bag around each end..maybe cheaper to buy a tarp, though:)

09-11-2006, 08:45 AM
We live in West Michigan right near the lake. We get what they call 'lake effect' weather, so our winters are brutal.

Does your reel tube come off the plastic ends tenax? Ours just pull right out, and that's why we can seal up the entire cover and reel tube (since we were smart enough to get the next size longer that is)

09-11-2006, 08:53 AM
if i take off a few screws off each end, yes, i can take them off..it's easy enough and i am concerned that the plastic of the reel ends will get brittle with winter temperatures..i guess i can follow the better safe than sorry philosophy and take em off.

09-11-2006, 08:55 AM
We do put our ends inside the shed out back. They still freeze but aren't out in the actual weather. I wouldn't leave them outside.

09-11-2006, 08:56 AM
plastic ends as well? what kind of reel? i think i'm going to get one of those bags..just checked out tarp prices...no cheaper really and way bigger of course one way then needed.

09-11-2006, 09:08 AM
They are black plastic ends but they are attached to home made wooden block things that are filled with concrete. We didn't make it, the previous people must have. I guess to make the whole thing sit taller. As far as the reel, well it's just a metal tube. Since it's the only one we've ever had, I don't know what to compare it to so you know what type it is. :)

09-11-2006, 10:03 AM
no problem..thanks!

09-11-2006, 03:31 PM
I leave mine up on the posts, so it's 5 feet off the ground.
The first year I had this setup, the posts were rather wobbly, this, with the high winds we get did not seem to good an idea so I flipped the posts to lie down - everything laid on the ground behind the pool - however, a mouse got in and ate a hole into it (luckily just a small hole), but this taught me NOT to leave it on the ground - those scoundrels will eat everything! - I made the posts permanent and now have no fear of the wind knocking anything over.

09-11-2006, 03:55 PM
roll it up and put it in a SPACE BAG :p

09-11-2006, 08:57 PM
well, i'm going low tech but i think it will be ok..picked up a industrial duty painting plastic sheet..10 ft x 25 ft..more than long enough to fold back under and put bungies on..i don't see why it wouldn't work..not as high tech as a bag..but 10 dollars versus 60 and shipping..i've spent a lot of money on stuff this year and i'm tired of it:) (this year, anyhow:))

09-13-2006, 04:50 PM
well, i'm going low tech but i think it will be ok..picked up a industrial duty painting plastic sheet..10 ft x 25 ft..more than long enough to fold back under and put bungies on..i don't see why it wouldn't work..not as high tech as a bag..but 10 dollars versus 60 and shipping..i've spent a lot of money on stuff this year and i'm tired of it:) (this year, anyhow:))

I am thinking of the same thing, with bungies, plus covering each of my ends with contractor size garbage bags, sealed with duct tape. My Horizon HV-2000 reel can't come apart and I have nowhere to store it other than outside.

09-15-2006, 01:26 PM

Thanks for all the help- all season- does anyone know if you can leave your solar cover under the winter cover? I was looking at a KEEPER KLEEN and it seems like the same thing. Thanks

09-16-2006, 05:27 AM

Thanks for all the help- all season- does anyone know if you can leave your solar cover under the winter cover? I was looking at a KEEPER KLEEN and it seems like the same thing. Thanks

The Keeper Kleen is simply a black solar cover yes. We used one for the first time last winter, and it seemed perfectly fine when we opened the pool. I really have no idea how many years we'll get out of it.