View Full Version : Winter Covers, Safety vs Floating

09-09-2006, 11:51 AM
Its about that time of year and I need a new cover for my inground pool. So far we've used the normal winter cover and water tubes but we're considering changing to a safety cover. Specifically we were thinking about a Trillium solid cover with invis-a-drain (1/4" holes 6" apart down the center with a mesh underneath). I'm in central Maryland so it snow is a possibility. We've had as much as 2' on the ground to no snow at all. The pool is surrounded by trees so there will be lots of leafs available this fall. Usually we open each spring to a cover full of leaves, frog eggs and or polywogs and would like to have an easier opening than trying to lift a weighted down cover out of a pool that has had the water level lowered below the skimmers and not get any of it in the pool.


Other than the safety feature of allowing animals to walk across it. what other advantages if any do the safety covers offer?

How low should the pool be drained with a safety cover? Seems like evaporation or filling up is a concern with these covers, so I wonder if they require constant monitoring.

Ultimately are they worth the cost? Seems like I can go through 10 winter covers for the price of one safety cover.


09-09-2006, 01:05 PM
Animals? I think a safety cover is to protect PEOPLE. The animals cannot get to my pool in winter, because it is still fenced. But a person can. I have a mesh safety cover and it was the ideal choice for me.

09-10-2006, 12:48 PM
Animals? I think a safety cover is to protect PEOPLE. The animals cannot get to my pool in winter, because it is still fenced. But a person can. I have a mesh safety cover and it was the ideal choice for me.

Hehe. You'd think PEOPLE would be smart enough not to walk on the cover. In my case I have 3 dogs that can get into the pool yard if someone forgets to close the gate on the deck. But so far they have been smart enough not to walk on it. But even with a fence around the pool, the wild life seems to find a way underneath it.

I'm just wondering if those who have tried them think they were worth the cost and would do it again. And if there is any reason other than safety to go that route. It seems like you switch one set of problems for another.