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04-17-2006, 08:47 PM
For the first time since converting from Baq last July, I entered the dreaded pool store for a water analysis. I am out of CYA reagent and with the high gas prices, didn't want to drive across town to Leslie's. Hoping to get the test for free, like I did daily when I was purchasing Baq supplies from them, I just asked for an analysis, didn't specify I was only interested in the CYA.

Pool Store Results:
FC 1.81
TC 2.11
TA 77
PH 6.63
CA 70

233 Results
FC 3.5
CC 0
TA 90
PH 7.2
CA 90

As she tested my h20, she was on the phone with another frustrated pool owner who'd obviously opened to a disaster. My heart bled as I listened to her tell them that she knew more than the people at Rec Wharehouse and that the chlorine at Wal-mart, Lowes and HD were not the same quality of that sold by pool supply stores. I wanted to scream the website into the phone..lol.

The first thing she recommended was 4 lbs alkalinity, then shock, 1 qt phos-x, then wait a few days and vacuum to waste. Then she told me I really needed to also raise my CA. I said, "I thought calcium didn't matter on a vinyl pool"? She asked who told me that, I told her I couldn't remember. She went on to tell me how stupid that was (her word exactly), that it mattered more on a vinyl than gunite because you'd see the scaling easier, etc. She warned me about corosion in my pump. Still playing dumb, like I was last year when she was sucking me dry with Baq treatments, I asked, "But wouldn't a higher calcium level cause scaling." She said, "No, then tells me something about lower levels causing itching and that calcium isn't just for the pool." I thanked her, told her I needed to see what chemicals I had left over from last year (knowing exactly what I had) and left. Obviously, I am very pessimistic about the PS owner as I have purchased tons of chemicals after listening to her PS-BS.

I'm still confused as to how to cross-reference Ben's CYA reagent with Leslie's. The people at Leslie's told me the r-005 was the CYA reagent, but I got no reading when I tested my pool or when I did Ben's CYA in a bottle test (although I just realized i didn't let it sit for hours as he recommends).

My questions:
1. Since the PS CYA level is so low, do I go ahead and add a couple pounds or do I wait until the end of this month when I receive the 234? The level was around 80 when I closed last year and we only drained below the skimmer. Is it possible the reading of 9 is accurate?

2. Do I need to worry about the phosphate level? We DO have tons of oak trees within 100 feet of the pool (okay, not tons but several). I have not had an algae problem, nor am I using alot of chlorine. I opened to a pool with no CC.

3. I know the answer is "no" but do I need to worry about the CA??

Thanks in advance!!

04-17-2006, 09:01 PM
For the first time since converting from Baq last July, I entered the dreaded pool store for a water analysis. I am out of CYA reagent and with the high gas prices, didn't want to drive across town to Leslie's. Hoping to get the test for free, like I did daily when I was purchasing Baq supplies from them, I just asked for an analysis, didn't specify I was only interested in the CYA.

Pool Store Results:
FC 1.81
TC 2.11
TA 77
PH 6.63
CA 70

233 Results
FC 3.5
CC 0
TA 90
PH 7.2
CA 90

As she tested my h20, she was on the phone with another frustrated pool owner who'd obviously opened to a disaster. My heart bled as I listened to her tell them that she knew more than the people at Rec Wharehouse and that the chlorine at Wal-mart, Lowes and HD were not the same quality of that sold by pool supply stores. I wanted to scream the website into the phone..lol.

The first thing she recommended was 4 lbs alkalinity, then shock, 1 qt phos-x, then wait a few days and vacuum to waste. Then she told me I really needed to also raise my CA. I said, "I thought calcium didn't matter on a vinyl pool"? She asked who told me that, I told her I couldn't remember. She went on to tell me how stupid that was (her word exactly), that it mattered more on a vinyl than gunite because you'd see the scaling easier, etc. She warned me about corosion in my pump. Still playing dumb, like I was last year when she was sucking me dry with Baq treatments, I asked, "But wouldn't a higher calcium level cause scaling." She said, "No, then tells me something about lower levels causing itching and that calcium isn't just for the pool." I thanked her, told her I needed to see what chemicals I had left over from last year (knowing exactly what I had) and left. Obviously, I am very pessimistic about the PS owner as I have purchased tons of chemicals after listening to her PS-BS.

I'm still confused as to how to cross-reference Ben's CYA reagent with Leslie's. The people at Leslie's told me the r-005 was the CYA reagent, but I got no reading when I tested my pool or when I did Ben's CYA in a bottle test (although I just realized i didn't let it sit for hours as he recommends).

My questions:
1. Since the PS CYA level is so low, do I go ahead and add a couple pounds or do I wait until the end of this month when I receive the 234? The level was around 80 when I closed last year and we only drained below the skimmer. Is it possible the reading of 9 is accurate?

2. Do I need to worry about the phosphate level? We DO have tons of oak trees within 100 feet of the pool (okay, not tons but several). I have not had an algae problem, nor am I using alot of chlorine. I opened to a pool with no CC.

3. I know the answer is "no" but do I need to worry about the CA??

Thanks in advance!!
Phosphates are a favorite algae food but if you don't have a problem I wouldn't worry about it. Lanthinum chloride basted phospahte removers work pretty well but they might cloud your pool for a week and will cause your filter pressure to rise. You would need to clean or backwash the filter after they have had a chance to work. the good news is that they DO work as claimed (amazing,isn't it)
My advice is if you don't have an algae problem don't worry about it... IMHO,if it ain't broke don't fix it!:D

04-18-2006, 11:35 PM
Pool Store Results:
FC 1.81
TC 2.11
TA 77
PH 6.63
CA 70

233 Results
FC 3.5
CC 0
TA 90
PH 7.2
CA 90

That woman is dangerous and stupid. Had she looked at the numbers she gen'ed (which are clearly wrong) she should have recommended FIRST that your raise pH--it's low enough on her scale to damage the liner. She didn't. Luckily, your PS-233 indicates ph=7.2, low, but OK.

Trust your PS-233 results! They use the best drop kit on the market.

Don't bother with her...The correct reagent for CYA is Taylor # 13. Leslie's should stock it, and don't accept anything but Taylor 13.

The ONLY potential problem I see is if your CYA is low, you'll need to raise it, and maybe raise your residual FC level to match according to Ben's Best Guess table.

Congratulations!!! You successfully evaded getting "Pool Stored" despite a full court press!