View Full Version : moss on a carpet covered deck (factory pool deck)

09-06-2006, 10:12 PM
My carpet covered pool deck has moss growing on it. I can not figure out why. Under the deck is aluminum. Previous pool was up for about 15 years, and never sprouted, same type decking , nylon carpet over aluminum panels

1. Pool is in the sun 100% of the day.
2. It sprouts after it rains and it dies off after a sunny day.
3. If it is warm & humid overcast out, it will sprout.

I have tried a bleach solution, did not work.
I have power washed the entire deck, and it worked for a couple of weeks.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of it?

09-07-2006, 08:26 AM
How about making a solution of water and polyquat algacide? Polyquat is supposed to act like more of a preventative. I would clean it with a bleach solution to kill the algae, then use the algacide on it to keep it from coming back.

09-08-2006, 12:47 AM
There are a few ways of killing the moss off. Remember moss is harder to kill than algae due to it is a multicelluar plant. I have seen bakeing soda, zink, and copper used as well as some herbacides but I would caution you about those. Here is some good links.

09-08-2006, 07:56 PM
FWIW, we have a pretty shady yard that makes a proper lawn a real challenge. Between that and the acidity the oaks' leaves add, moss seems pretty happy there. A neighbor with a passion (and the results) for landscaping thinks distributing agricultural lime, or calcium carbonate, is the best way to subdue the moss. Seems it likes the acid and the lime takes that away (raises the pH).
