View Full Version : I need some help finding Polyquat

08-30-2006, 09:11 PM
I have looked in quite a few stores to no avail. I have seen some products that contain poly-something but they also have other active ingredients listed. Where can I find the "magic" Poly-something? I am in NY on Long Island so if anyone is from around here maybe a brand would help.


08-31-2006, 08:39 AM
I know you can get Pooltime 60% (that's a brand) from Meijers. I don't know if you have any Meijer stores in your area. Or you can find it online by asking Google for "Pooltrine 60". That should show you not only the Pooltrine brand, but other brands that have the same ingredients. Then just shop for the best deal.

08-31-2006, 08:45 AM
If the ingredient is poly-something @ 60%, it is polyquat. I've seen some brands state Algicide 60, or Non-foaming Algicide 60....it's polyquat.

I get mine every year @ Home Depot. The Lowes stores don't seem to carry it in our region.


09-04-2006, 09:02 PM
Well I found polyquat 60% but I almost fell on the floor when I saw the price. 23.99 for 1 quart. Holy Cow!!!, that is the most expensive pool chemical I have ever purchased. This stuff better work or else!

Now onto the leaf net cover I want. Any particular brand or supplier I should go with?


09-04-2006, 09:12 PM
It is not imperative that you add polyquat when you close. Some people don't. I don't think Al (Poconos) does, but I may be wrong about that. It is just some added insurance against something getting started in your water. Where I live (WV), it isn't unusual to have crazy temp swings in the winter. We frequently will have days with temps in the 70s in the middle of the winter. If I lived someplace where it stayed freezing cold all winter long and my pool pretty much stayed a solid block of ice, I wouldn't be quite as concerned about adding it. But, since I may have temps in the 20s one week and then the 60s or 70s the next, I use it. It certainly doesn't hurt. Whatever I'm doing is working for me. I have never opened to anything but clear water. (Knock on wood!!)