View Full Version : What am I doing wrong?

08-24-2006, 10:28 PM
I had my water right on except for a low CYA and then I had to change out about 3/4 of my water to repair a liner issue....since then I am fighting rising ph

Since then modest temps (85) , little rain, very little fill water, some aeration
No heavy usage, water is clean and clear.
PH between 7.6 and 8.2...
Total Alkalinity around 80
Hardness around 200
CYA around 35
Chlorine holding ok in a range of 1.0 to 3.o sometimes a bit higher or lower
Vinyl pool 17500 gals
Using bleach & acid regularly but can seem to get the ph below 7.8 for any length of time. Used about a gallon (4 or 5 doses over the last week) of muriatic acid.

Do I just keep adding the acid or can I break the rising ph cycle?

08-24-2006, 10:52 PM
Not sure about your pH question, but your chlorine needs to be a bit higher, like 3-6 and shock at 15, with a CYA of 35, according to Ben's Best Guess table

08-25-2006, 12:21 AM
Here are a few things to think about for your pH problem

Did you test your fill water for pH and ALK when you refilled your pool?
What test methods do you use?
Any fountains in the pool?
Does your water return break the surface?
When are you testing?
Where in the pool are you testing?

I found by testing next to the return my pH was higher. I am in the process of dropping my ALK slowly and checking for pH raise. Higher ALK in my pool caused my pH to run up every week.

08-25-2006, 04:56 PM
Still looking for answers

Test water was 7.8
I am testing with a drops tester...not perfect but repeatable results
No fountains
Return water has not been aerating the water generally
I test in the morning generally
I test from all over and I use a large baster to draw water from about 15-18" under water
The pool is presently not covered

I have heard and read that shocking the water is the way to go, but i dont understand it since the bleach has a high ph.

08-25-2006, 08:23 PM
Test water was 7.8
Do you mean fill water?