View Full Version : Sealing Pavers

08-24-2006, 01:46 PM
Okay - I re-read the thread from May/June about this - but I really need to seal my pavers this weekend. We are moving the grill back there next weekend for a party and I want it sealed before all the grease and strawberry margaritas are spilt all over the place!

Anyway - The pavers have been in for about 3 weeks now - they are filthy because the screen guys tracked mud all over them - I have swept and rinsed (with a ton of sand in the pool now).

Okay - so I need to acid wash them first - I have been told not to pressure wash them because I will blow all the sand out? Is this true? Also - I have a friend that used the "bug sprayer" to apply a wet-look sealant and he stated that if you get it thick enough - it seals the joints between the pavers so you don't have the weeds growing in. Any thoughts on this?

08-24-2006, 06:15 PM
I have a product called "Techni-Seal WP" that I will be applying in a few weeks to my pavers. The instructions suggest you wash the pavers (degreaser/cleaner and/or efforescence cleaner) before sealing as you will seal in any dirt or stains. My neighbor already did his pool deck and he used a sponge roller (like a paint roller). This is how I plan to apply as well. The problem with the sprayer is over spray. The roller puts the sealer were you want it. You can pressure wash but use a wide pattern so you have a lower pressure (a pressure you would be comfortable washing your car with). I am also refilling my missing sand with a sand called "Polymeric Sand" also by Techni-Seal (other companies sell this too). This sand, once wetted dries hard so it won't wash out and grass and ants can't come through.
Good luck and enjoy your pool.