View Full Version : DE Filter, excessive bumping

08-10-2006, 10:44 PM
We just got a new DE filter this year ( we had a cartridge before) I hear everyone saying that they dont have to bump and backwash often, but it seems that my pressure goes from just under 15, up to 25 every day, sometimes twice a day. Im always bumping that thing. Every few days it jumps up to 25 more than once in day and i backwash it. THe water coming out is always gross.. sometimes white, sometime yellow-y.. even when the pool is clear. Why is this happening when the pool is clear and clean? Am i doing something wrong?

Edit by Poconos: Aimee, I started a new thread with your question. You have a very valid question that deserves it's own spot and you'll get more responses this way.

08-13-2006, 04:50 PM
I had a similar problem - but it was on a new pool installation. I would backflush the DE filter to drop pressure (mine runs about 20 psi clean/new) every two days or so only to have the pressure creep back up again a few days later. I finally disassembled the filter and discovered that half of the filter was packed with DE - solid like clay. This was after I backwashed. Appearently the backwashing was not removing enough DE, and on top of that, I was adding 80% more (refill) DE powder each time. After I disassembled and cleaned everything out and added a 100% fill, the pressure has remained at the new (clean filter) level. I have not head to backwash again since. Its been about 2 months now. I bet I won't need to backwash all summer.
I think the new pool startup loaded the filter with plaster dust that would'nt flush out. I made the problem worse by adding more DE after each backwash than what was coming out.
This example may not be of much help other than to tell you that you may need to disassemble. flush/clean out, and start over to correct the problem. You new filter may have pulled a lot of dirt/pollen out of the water that your old filter didn't catch and now its clogged (like mine was with the plaster).
Good Luck.

08-14-2006, 12:08 AM
I think you're right on with that response! I once backwashed and forgot to add DE right away. I then remembered and added after about 36 hrs, but it was to late. Something about that made my Filter completely cake up on the bottom half. I sprayed the filter down with water, soaked in cascade, then soaked in TSP and all was good again. That caked on DE/algae stained my filter black and green. The stains didn't come out till I soaked in the TSP.