View Full Version : Hooking up a fountian to Polaris outlet

08-05-2006, 07:14 PM
I just purchased the grecian fountian from Leslie's however the apdaters are not compatible with the outlet I use to run my polaris which has an auxilary pump. The polaris has an fitting in the outlet which you simply insert and twist and not thread into the side of the pool. I tried to remove the polaris adapter from the outlet but I couldn't budge it. Maybe it was glued thier since you would typically only use it for the polaris. So to solve I went and purchased another polaris adapter and attached it to the fountain hose. Which does solve my connectivity issue the problem is the polaris adapter contricts the water flow to the point the fountain only goes about 3 feet when an I turn on the auxillary pump. I also tried connecting the fountain the main return jet and put a plug in the other just to test and I got about a 15ft spray. However, I would like to conncet to the polaris line and get a 15ft spray if possible. After a closer inspection I beleive my problem is the restrictor that is part of the fitting that goes in the outlet for the polaris. If I could somehow remove the fitting that goes in the outlet for the polaris then I could hook it up just like I did to the main return

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is the fitting/attachement for the polaris removable like the eyeballs in the main return lines. If so what can you use to remove it I tried a wrench and it wouldn't budge. I'm afraid I might break it if I apply to much pressure.

08-05-2006, 09:00 PM
Our pool has a Polaris 180. The pool came with the house and is at least 10-15 years old, inground plaster.

When we first tried to remove the Polaris connector, it typically unscrewed the adapter from the wall of the pool, so this one at least was meant to be unscrewed. I now know 'the trick' to wiggle it a little as I twist it so it doesn't unscrew the adapter. Maybe a pair of channel lock pliers?

If you break it though, don't blame me! :p

08-05-2006, 09:15 PM
Actually its the adapter I want to get out. I have a Polaris 380 I think when it was installed the poolman must have glued the adapter into the outlet. I just want to be able to unscrew it so I can put in the fountain and then screw it back in later so I can use the polaris.

08-05-2006, 09:27 PM
Yeah, I know what you're trying to do.

Try leaving the Polaris connector connected so you don't crush the adapter, and then use a pair of channel lock pliers on the adapter if you can get to it. Sometimes they are screwed in so deep that they are inside the face of the pool wall. You may have to destroy it to get it out.

In our shed that came with the house is a Polaris connector solidly connected to an adapter. In the pool is a new connector/adapter, so it appears that the previous owner gave up trying to get them loose. For some reason these plastic parts seem to weld themselves together over time.


08-05-2006, 09:38 PM
You got it. I looked at the owners manual its the Universal Wall fitting that I'm trying to remove. There is a resrictor disk behind the UWF, that is what is causing my problem. I'll try your suggestion but I don't think its coming loose but its only been in there 2 years so I wouldn't think it would be that tight. If you have any more ideas let me know.

UPDATE - your suggestion worked, fountian is now working like a charm. Thanks for your help