View Full Version : Tax Time

04-13-2006, 12:09 PM
Tax Time
I sent off my check to the IRS today. I owed some taxes. Actually thought I had been paying them all along:

Building Permit Tax

Capital Gains Tax

CDL license Tax

Cigarette Tax (luckily I don't smoke, ok.. but if I did..)

Corporate Income Tax (Ah...the privileges of being an LLC)

Court Fines
(indirect taxes)

Dog License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment Tax

Fishing License Tax (no bouillabaise next year!, I promise)

Fed Gasoline Tax
(42 cents per gallon) (And you think the oil companies are gouging us!..)

State Gas tax 13 cents/gallon

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax Interest expense
(tax on the money)

Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges
(tax on top of tax)

IRS Penalties
(tax on top of tax) (Yep! I gotta pay that because I didn't withhold enough tax..)

Liquor Tax (or, as I like to refer to it as my liquid medicine)

Local Income Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax (never do that again)

Medicare Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Septic Permit Tax

Service Charge Taxes

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Taxes
(Truckers pass this along in the stuff we buy, believe me)

Sales Taxes

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Road Toll Booth Taxes

School Tax!

State Income Tax

State Unemployment Tax

Telephone federal excise tax

Telephone federal universal service fee tax

Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes

Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax

Telephone state and local tax

Telephone usage charge tax

Toll Bridge Taxes

Toll Tunnel Taxes

Traffic Fines
(indirect taxation)

Trailer registration tax (again another pass along)

Utility Taxes

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Watercraft registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What the hell happened?

Howsa 'bout the welfare state? Look. I don't mind paying taxes. Really! I just think that our tax system is broken and needs to be fixed. It is a disgrace that the average American family is unable to compute their own taxes. It is also a disgrace that our tax code is so confusing that even the IRS cannot figure it out. And speaking of the IRS, if you are audited it is up to you to prove your innocence rather than the IRS having to prove your guilt.

You wanna fix the tax code? Here are ways that would do it:

1. No withholding. What a scam this is. "Oh boy! I'm getting money back!" No you sleepy ignorant tool! You are getting money back that you lent the gummint at zero percent interest. If everyone had to sit down and write the gummint a check for their tax bill on April 15, the tax code would be overhauled in no time flat. Either that, or there would be a bunch of politicians out of work.

2. After eliminating withholding, move the election to April 15..

3. Make every representative and senator do their own taxes and be audited by the IRS. I guarantee the tax code would be simplified. Can you imagine young Bush trying to do his own taxes?

I'm sure I missed a few.

04-13-2006, 01:27 PM
Thinking about locking but not yet. I agree with a lot and the text has been on the web for a long time. About this time of the year I'm as frustrated and **ed as the next person. Grrrr...!!! I HATE TAXES. Epecially double taxes. Enough said.
Me the MONKEY.
Personal thing there...born in the year of the MONKEY.

04-13-2006, 01:36 PM
I'm locking this thread, but will leave it up long enough to allow Kay to see it.

Please don't post severely off-topic stuff, even here, ESPECIALLY on non-essential political things. PoolForum -- by my choice -- is already very controversial. And, I have some ethical committments I try to live by, and also try to enforce here. These two choices I've made already run off a lot of pool owners.

So be it. It's the choice I've made.

But, even so, there are an extremely wide range of opinions among PoolForum users. And while it's probably true that no one actually likes taxes, opinions vary a lot on whether we need more or less, and concerning who the tax victims should be.

What's more, a thread like this opens the door a bit to even more political posts . . . and I just don't want the PoolForum to go there, because I believe that it would get in the way of the PoolForum's real purpose. (Or, at least what I imagine its purpose to be).

Thanks for your understanding.
