View Full Version : green water

07-24-2006, 12:32 PM
Our water is green and brown looking. I do not think it is any kind of algae because nothing feels slimey. I have been brushing the pool about 4 times a day. When I do this it makes the water look even worse. I only have the type of vacuum that hooks to a garden hose and it really does not work very good. I have always had the proper chlorine levels in the pool. This is new city water in the pool. My filter pump is still pumping and still has the same water pressure as always. I am really getting frustrated this year, because the last 2 years my water was always clear. Also, my PH levels keep going up and no one has even been in the pool. Even though I had no CC levels, I shocked the pool last week.

18x48 intex frame set pool
FC 2.0
CC 0
TC 2.0
PH 7.8 (yesterday 7.6)
Alk 140
CAL 350
CYA 35

I have been using the PS233 kit to test.

Should I take a water sample to the pool store?

Would a water clarifier or something else help?

Is there a better vacuum I can use on this type of Pool?

Does anyone have any suggestions?


07-24-2006, 12:59 PM
If your water is greenish brown and you don't think it's algae (I do), then what could it be? Dirt? that should settle....not stay suspended. Metals? No, they deposit on surfaces and are not greenish in color.

I can't think of anything else it can be but algae and the cure for that is chlorine....lot's of it and applied consistently...not one time.

I suggest (here goes my "stuck record" speech) you bring your Cl up to shock level and KEEP IT THERE until your water clears. Shock level in your pool should be 15ppm....not one bit less. Now, to KEEP IT THERE you will have to add and test at least twice a day and four is better. Chlorine will be more effective at night.

Clarifier may help if it's not algae

a different vacuum won't help if the stuff is suspended in your water.

Pool store test results are simply not as good as the PS233...I wouldn't do that.

The pH, while troublesome, is simple to control with muriatic acid and is not related to your water clarity issues. Keep your pH around 7.2....the chlorine will be a little more effective.

I know this is not the answer(s) you wanted but I cannot, for the life of me, think of anything that would cause your symptoms but algae.

07-24-2006, 02:55 PM
Thank you for your help. I just put a gallon and a half of chlorine in the pool. When I just checked the chlorine with the drops, it was a bright orange. Since it just shows readings up to 5ppm, how can I tell when I am at 15ppm? Should I check the chlorine in a different way?


07-24-2006, 03:34 PM
I just found the post about using a shot glass of pool water and distilled water. I just did that and chlorine was 15 ppm. Had to use 2 shots of distilled water and multiply by 3.

07-24-2006, 05:46 PM

Now, the trick is to KEEP IT THERE. I don't mean to be a smart a** but I do want to reemphasize my earlier post. Keep us informed...I bet you see some improvement if you'll stay the course.

07-25-2006, 07:46 PM
I want to thank you for your help. My water is clearing up. I have been adding bleach to keep the level right around 15ppm. The water now is just a little cloudy but not really green anymore.


07-25-2006, 08:31 PM
Hi, Peggy,

Good work. Now I'm gonna' be just a little obnoxious to make a point. Since your making improvement with a Cl of 15ppm, KEEP IT THERE until your water is crystal clear. If you'll stay the course, your water will look better than it has in a long time.

Run your pump 24/7 this whole time. Watch filter pressure and backwash as necessary. You've got a lot of dead algae coming out of your pool and your filter pressure will probably go up.

07-28-2006, 10:47 AM
I have been keeping the CL at 15ppm and the green is gone. For the last 2 days the water has not looked any different, it is just a little cloudy. I just have a cartridge filter, but put a clean filter in it. Should I still keep the CL at 15ppm? It is only dropping down about 2ppm from the morning check to the evening check.


07-28-2006, 11:33 AM
Hi, Peggy,

Yes, I would keep it at 15+ 'til it holds overnight. I think you've cleared the algae but the high Cl hurts nothing and will only help clear your pool.

Your pump and filter capacity might be the reason it's going so slowly, but keep that pump running and a clean filter in there 'til your water is clear.

Even tho Ben's table doesn't say this, you might consider dosage to reach 18-20ppm. My pool stayed really cloudy because I was hovering around 12-14ppm for a few days so I boosted it just a little extra and it cleared in 24 hours. The main ingredient now is to STAY THE COURSE. You're probably closer than you think to nice, clear water.

07-28-2006, 04:23 PM
I added more chlorine and brought it up to 20 ppm. I will keep you posted as to what happens.


07-28-2006, 06:09 PM
I have another question. Since starting the shock treatment my ph reading has gone down from 7.8 to 7.3. Is this suppose to happen?


07-28-2006, 07:30 PM
No. No clue why it's doing that but it's better @ 7.3 than 7.8

07-28-2006, 08:36 PM
I have another question. Since starting the shock treatment my ph reading has gone down from 7.8 to 7.3. Is this suppose to happen?


Peggy, Have you been using only bleach to chlorinate? It seems from your posts that you are, but I couldn't tell for sure. Some forms of solid chlorine (e.g. trichlor) will lower pH so if you're using that it would explain the pH drop.

At any rate, Dave has you on the right track. Keep up the good work.

07-28-2006, 10:20 PM
I did use granulars at first to get stablizer, but once the CYA was up to 35 or 40 I switched to regular chlorine bleach. Before I started the shock treatment we had to keep adding muratic acid to bring the PH down and to get the high AlK readings down.


07-28-2006, 11:17 PM
Once you get completely clear and let your chlorine drift back down, refer to Ben's best guess CYA chart in the sticky at the top of the chlorine forum. In your first post you listed your free chlorine as 2.0, but if your CYA is actually 35 or 40, you really do not want to let your chlorine drop below 3.0, ever. That is all it takes to let the algae get a foot in the door. I have my CYA right around 40, and I keep my chlorine about 4 or 5 at all times and it seems to work out pretty well in my full sun pool. Good luck.

07-30-2006, 12:47 PM
Just wanted to thank everyone that helped me. For the last 2 nights the chlorine has stayed at about 20ppm. The ph is 7.2. It is still not totally clear, but I can see all the steps of the ladder, so I think the algae must be gone. I have been out about 3 times already today brushing the bottom and sides and I think it is working. I think my small cartridge filter might just take awhile to totally clear it up. Again thanks to everyone.


07-30-2006, 12:54 PM

Nice work. Now, reread geordi's post above. Don't fall back where you were before or the algae will come back. After your water is clear, keep the Cl in the 3-6ppm range and enjoy the rest of the Summer.