View Full Version : Builder Forgot To Install Light Niche??!!!

07-17-2006, 03:28 PM
I am a newbie to this website and I am in the midst of having a pool built. They are about 85% complete and only need to plaster and install the equipment, except one thing. I don't see anything where there is supposed to be a pool light. :confused: In the spa, I see the niche for the light but in the pool, all I see is gunite. When I brought it to the attention of the builder, they seemed almost to be in disbelief and did not want to believe me. Since then, they did admit the problem and have been somewhat hush hush about it, even though they did say they will take care of it. According to them, the niche is there but under the gunite. For some reason, I find it hard to believe but for now, I will take their word for it.

So the question is, what should I worry about or look out for? It seems that they will have to cut into the gunite. That leaves me with concerns regarding structural integrity and potential leaking. Is adding a light to a pool that doesn't have one something that can be done without too much concern?

Sorry for the long description. Any advice or comment would help. Thanks.

07-17-2006, 06:11 PM
Do you see any electric run to the side of your pool? Should be a gray PVC pipe.

07-17-2006, 08:42 PM
Well, I do see the junction box next about 6 feet from where the light is supposed to be located but they have already poured the concrete walkway between the pool and the junction box so I cant really say.

07-18-2006, 11:31 AM
If the niche is in the gunite there should also be some brass /copper pipe conduit for the wires coming from the light niche to the junction box. If they did not include the niche it will be an interesting fix. I would make sure they are responsible in writing for any damage to the deck or leaking due to the failure to include the niche. I am dealing with some moving deck issues now and it is not a cheap fix.