View Full Version : Just checking

07-13-2006, 12:55 AM
Ok. Had the pool for a few weeks. It is clear, smells good, tastes good and swims well. My question is is this a normal drop in Cl. Bring Cl up to 5ppm at night come home and test next night and it is between 1.5-3ppm usually the lower end. CC's are always zero, CYA 30 TA 120 PH 7.6 Temp 86. The pool gets sun alot of the day with some shaded areas throughout, pump is set to run from 0600-1000 and 1600-0000 everyday. Any problems with this?
Also, according to the tables and charts I was supposed to add nearly 3lbs of CYA to get btw 30-50. I added liquid cya initially it called for whole jug to raise 10000gal to 30ppm. Had to add 2lbs of regular to just hit 30ppm and this has been a week or so ago. Any ideas?

07-13-2006, 01:07 AM
I would say that would be a normal chlorine loss. As for the CYA I will let the pros here answer that one. I havent messed with liquid CYA

07-13-2006, 08:42 AM
Interesting that the liquid monosodium salt of cyanuric acid didin't raise your cya like advertised. Only one company has this product and if it really worked I am sure every product company would have it on the market! I wonder exactly what chemisty goes on with it when it is added to the pool.