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View Full Version : Help! Can i swim in recent addition of alk-up and calc?!

07-09-2006, 02:24 PM
Oh dear! I am a relatively (4 weeks) new pool owner and didnt read the instructions to add chemicals separately. So last night i added some alkalinity UP and this morning ph levels were OK(it was a bit down before).
So this morning I added Calcium (which had been non-existant before).
The water has gone cloudy which now i read is a result of this. But - my daughter and granddaughter are coming to swim today and i dont know if its safe to do so.
If anyone is reading this on this Sunday morning - please let me know!
All other levels of things seem OK.
Although i am usung Baquacil, and i see from your posts that that may be a whole other problem in itself! But...one problem at a time - can i swim when alk-up and calc are reacting too much together?

07-09-2006, 02:41 PM
This is melifair (the original poster) again- just to say that actually the pool is now hardly at all cloudy - i would say it is 95% clear. Just in case it makes a difference to any answers about whether i can swim in the next few hours....:confused:

07-09-2006, 02:44 PM
Yes, you can swim. The cloudiness is just calcium carbonate that has precipitated out. You might want to recheck your calcium levels once the pool clears since you might have lost some of the calcium you put in.

07-09-2006, 05:43 PM
Thanks so much! You made the day!!!!