View Full Version : PLEASE advise on these numbers

07-04-2006, 11:49 PM
Hello everyone. Hope you all had a good 4th of July. I placed this post this morning on the Alkalinity and hardness forum but didn't wasn't able to get an answer I'm hoping someone here can help. My numbers as of Tuesday morning using Aquachem brand 5-way test kit from Walmart were:

FC 5.0
TC 5.0
Ph 7.6
CYA 50
Calc 400
Alk 70

Over the course of 5 days I've been maintaining the water, my numbers have remained stable. Therefore I've added nothing to it, just monitored and cleaned. I kind of expected to be tinkering with the water every day so it feels a little weird to just do nothing, like I might be missing something - but iyou don't necessarily adjust water every day right?

Now, as of this morning my Ph was up slightly from 7.4 and my Alk dropped from 120.

1)I know I need to add baking soda for Alk to bring it up a bit - but what number do I shoot for (good range is 80-120)? Is it based on other numbers? Please explain as I'd like to understand they WHY of it also.

2)Should I add acid or just leave the Ph be for now? Why or why not?

3)My hardness number is in the upper range, I think. Should I leave it be?

BTW - I'm waiting on the TAYLOR K2006 test kit to arrive any day now. Had a heavy bather load today due to the holiday. Am interested to see what will happen in the morning.

Everyone commented on how clear my water was today, so thanks to all the members and moderators who take the time to guide others. I was very pleased with the compliments thanks to all of you. :D

07-05-2006, 02:34 AM
I am not one of the pros here IMHO you numbers look good. I would not worry about the ALK if your ph is stable. I think your Chlorine may drop due to bather load. I am not sure about the hardness but I am sure one of the pros here will help you. I thought I was going to have to adjust chems each day but I have reached a place where it has become unnecessary to adjust daily. If you test each day and don’t have to add in chem you are adding $$$$ back to your pocket.
A lot of people who come here (my self included) are frantic about pool chems but thinks to the fine guidance from the folks here I have learned to relax. Like waterbear told me

Posted to one of my questions.

Just get the water balanced, check your chlorine and pH an few times a week and ajust when necessary, and ENJOY YOUR POOL!!!!!;)

Post some pics in the off topic area so we can enjoy your pool. It’s an area I hit ever night while I am at work.