View Full Version : hardness test with hth kit

07-04-2006, 11:28 PM
We have a hth 5 way kit walmart from walmart. I've tried multiple times to get the hardness test but to no avail. The reagent works turns the water red. but the tirant just sends the water clear not blue as the instructions indicate...
Can't get to pool store for testing till the weekend



ps tonights test results

chl 0.5 (added bleach today suffering at the minute with 100+ degree full sun!)
ph 7.5
al 130
cya 55

07-04-2006, 11:55 PM
the blue color is very faint. It is possible that you are mistaking a very pale blue for clear. The color change will go from pinkish to purple to pale blue.

07-09-2006, 11:07 PM
ah! thanks! I did wonder what the heck was going on!
I'll test again soon!
