View Full Version : Help me choose an Suction side cleaner?

07-03-2006, 11:44 PM
Please help me choose a Suction side cleaner :( ?

I am having an IG vinyl 17x33 pool installed and need to choose a suction side cleaner.

The basic one that comes w/ the pool package is the Polaris 150.

I have no idea if this use is worth a poo, but I like to get personal feedbacks on here from the owners that use a suction side cleaner.

The other ones I can choose from are the following:

4. * POLARIS 150 :o

Help me choose the right one ;) . So feedbacks would be appreciated!!

07-03-2006, 11:58 PM
Kinda curious about those Pool Rovers also :D

07-04-2006, 12:13 AM
I like my navigator on my pebble finish. It cleans the bottom and sides very well. I have found that it's sensitive to flow rate, not enough and it won't climb the walls. Too much and it can go up onto the baja shelf. I have a manual valve at the pump to control how much suction goes to the cleaner and this works well. I have had it for 1 year and the shoes are getting close to needing to be replaced. I haven't had any problems with it. In the year I have had it perhaps I had to lift it out of the pool two or three times total to clear a rock.

-- john

07-04-2006, 12:38 AM
I had a Polaris 340, the older version of the Polaris ATV, I liked it more than the Baracuda G4 as I have a vinyl liner and felt the rubber pad of the cleaner just dragging across the pool would ruin the finish .Why don't you have them plumb in a booster pump line for a pressure cleaner , costs a bit more but I feel they do the job much better than the suction models , when the suction ones are installed you lose your skimmer action and if they are putting in a dedicated line for the cleaner , change it to a booster pump line instead.my humble .02

07-04-2006, 01:45 AM
change it to a booster pump line instead.my humble .02

It's worth a shot to ask the builder. Lets see what they say. Thanks!! :)

07-04-2006, 04:46 AM
I have a ZODIAC BARRACUDA 1500 and dont like. Hangs and you have to baby sit it.

07-04-2006, 07:18 AM
If your builder doesn't want to go with the dedicated booster pump line , ask him about a Polaris 360 which runs off one of the return lines.the biggest problem with a suction cleaner is all your dirt will go right into the filter requiring backwashing more frequently, a pressure cleaner or the Polaris 360 will put the dirt in it's own bag .