View Full Version : When to clean the cartridge filter?

06-27-2006, 12:56 PM
I have a 2-speed Jacuzzi pump with a cartridge filter on an 18" A/G pool. The directions say to clean the cartridge when the pressure gauge gets to the "clean" marking on the dial. There is no dang "clean" marking on the gauge! What pressure reading should I have before I open'er up and change the cartridge? (I have two) How often do people clean their cartridges in a normal season? The bather load in our pool has been minimum as the weather in Ohio hasn't been cooperating! Figures...put up a pool...and can't get in the thing!!:mad:

06-27-2006, 05:27 PM
My filter manual recommends cleaning the filter when the pressure rises 10 PSI higher than it did when the filter was first installed. The pollen level has dropped off in my area so I opened the cartridge up recently and hosed it down even though the pressure wasn't up at all. I read that it's easier to clean the cartridge more frequently than to wait until the pressure goes up.

I highly recommend using a scum sock as that kept a lot of junk from getting to filter and I clean & rinse that out at least once a day.

I know what you mean as we've had crappy weather in the northeast too for this time of year. Hopefully things will change soon for you.


06-27-2006, 07:17 PM
Hi, If you put your hand over the return with the filter running and a clean cartridge installed you will feel a strong flow of water. Over the course of a few days or a week you will notice this flow slowing down. That's when you clean the filter.

For me it's a once a week thing. Clean filter, run cleaner for a few hours while I lay on a raft drinking beer, clean filter again. Good to go for another week.

Something like that. Just get a good feel for that return flow. That's your best pressure gauge.


06-27-2006, 09:16 PM
Most cartridge manufacturers recommend cleaning when the pressure rises 8-10 psi. I have found that if you clean before that the cleaning goes much faster and your cartridge will last longer. My pool can probably run for a year before I get that much of an increase. I clean mine monthly. It takes me 10 minutes, including cleaning out the strainer basket on the pump. I MIGHT have a 1-2 psi increase when I clean. Sometimes there is no pressure increase at all. If your cartrige was undersized for your pool then you might have to clean more often. (Intex pools are a prime example!)

06-28-2006, 10:35 AM
Thanks for your all of your help. I DO have a skimmer sock. The pump has been running almost 24/7 since Memorial Weekend as I've had to do a lot of water adjusting. Things look great but I guess I should wash out the filter soon. Pressure from return side hasn't changed at all...still seems like a strong flow. The cartridge is a CFR-50 probably about 14" X 16" tall cylinder shaped. Hopefully large enough for an 18' round pool.:o