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04-06-2006, 01:16 PM
I put in a AG 24" round at the end of last year. Now I need to finish around the pool. I dont want to plant grass right up to the pool. I was thinking about going with a 2 feet border of rock all around the pool. Now my problem is trying to figure out what to use between the stone and grass. I still need to plant some of that grass I ripped up. I was thinking of lining it with retaining wall stones but that is rather expensive. I want something that looks nice but doesnt cost a small fortune.

I am looking to see what others have done?


04-06-2006, 01:48 PM
we did last year. After our install we put about 18" of white rock around the pool. We first went ahead and added some weed fabric to cut down on the grass and weeds from growing right next to the pool, then added the rock.

I too was worried about what would happen between the rock and the grass but I just ended up using Roundup for the most part. Yes I had to weed eat a couple of times but for the most part it looked great and we were very happy.

04-06-2006, 03:17 PM
For my parents AG pool we used pea gravel, I forget how deep it was. Not as pretty as landscape stone, but A) cheaper and B) if (when?) it ends up in the pool (by accident of course), I think there is less of a change of it cutting the liner.

We had the pool for about 15 years before moving, and never had to change or renew the original pea gravel that was used.


04-07-2006, 01:03 PM
The ground around my pool is one area I wish I had planned more for before i put the pool in. After having the pool in one summer with just sand around it, I put in white limestone last summer, running about an 8 inch radius around the pool. It looks nice, but if I had it to do all over, here is what I was thinking:

1) Clean out a channel around the pool about 1 foot wide.
2) Put down a layer of weed barrier
3) Put down a thin layer of pea gravel
4) Top pea gravel with limestone (I like the look I get from the white limestone)
5) Between stone and grass, I would bury at ground level small brick paving stones. The stones would sit low enough that I can run the mower wheel across them.

Just my 2 cents..