View Full Version : "ph minus" into skimmer

06-20-2006, 08:02 PM
I understand 99% of you guys do not use a chemical called PH minus, but instead use acid, but like a idiot I dumped about half a quart of mix with water PH minus into my skimmer, before realizing that I need to just dump it into my return water area. It is about a half a hour later, and the pump seems ok, etc., but what do I need to look for/could happen? I really dont think it hurt anything, but if someting does happen I need to be able to come up with a story to my wife...someting along the lines that the dog did it. (we don't have a dog)...:D


Cheesehead newbie idiot

I forgot to mention, 18ft ag with Hayward pump/sand filter. And I hate pool stores too!

06-20-2006, 08:09 PM
You should be ok if you only did it one time. If you had a cartridge filter there is a greater risk of damage to the filter element but sand filters are fine.