View Full Version : Is there a rule of thumb...

06-19-2006, 04:42 PM
for how long to let the pump run after adding each chemical? For example, I know to let the pump run for 24 hours after adding CYA. What about after adding small amounts of chlorine? Large amounts of chlorine (for shocking purposes)? Acid, baking soda, etc? I guess it's different if you're fighting a problem, like algae or high TA for example. But I'm asking about just "maintenance" doses of chemicals.

I usually test my water between 4-5PM, and add any chemcials needed around 7PM. The pump is usually set to go off at 8-8:30PM. I'd rather not run it overnight if I don't really have to.

06-19-2006, 07:23 PM
Henry, the rule of thumb is to let the water 'turn over' once (turnover, a misleading term, is the time it takes to have the same number of gallons pass through the filter, as are in the pool). Many here pour the chems via the skimmer to get a quicker distibution into the water, I don't like doing this with acid nor bleach, I just don't like putting a 'plug' like that through the system, especially if a heater is involved.
What you might want to do is add the pH and alk chems in the morning when the filter first fires up and let them mix all day. However, you will want to add the bleach at night so that it can 'do it's thing' without interference from uv - you can add the cl at 7 by pouring it around the perimeter, adding a little more at the returns and cutting off the pump at 8 (thermodynamics and the fact that it takes something in motion quite a while to stop, should give you sufficient mixing)
However, it might be a good idea for you to tell us what kind and size of pool you have and what size pump and type and size filter.

The Raddish
06-19-2006, 08:03 PM
This seems like a good thread to post my question.

I have a 24' x 52" above ground pool with a 1Hp Astral pump and a Hayward 220T filter. The pump will be replaced this fall or winter during the end of season sales and price drops. I want to get the 1/2 Hp Hayword recommended on the Pool Solutions page.

I also have a timer that has seven settings per day. I'd like to minimize the pump time to reduce power consumption (obviously), but I also want to keep my water as pristine as possible (obviously).

As I am new to pool ownership, what would be an ideal schedule for me to start with my timer? Also, what I'm really looking for is why any suggested schedules are ideal as well. I want to make sure I understand why I am doing whatever it is I do. :)

06-20-2006, 09:05 AM
I guess I should have put my pool info in...12,000gal IG exposed aggregate surface. Cartridge filter...not sure what size. I don't know what type and size pump we have...the mechanics are more my husband's area:)

I can try to add pH chems in the AM if I can...I actually did that over the weekend, and it worked out quite well. I always add bleach at night...usually it's not much...maybe 0.5 gallons every few days. That's good to know I can let the pump go off at 8. If I end up having to add acid PM as well, should I let the pump run longer in that situation? I really don't like adding acid or chlorine to the skimmer either. I usually concentrate around the returns.

06-20-2006, 11:32 AM
If you have to add acid at night, try to run your pump for at least an hour after the addition to make sure it gets circulated and doesn't concentrate in one area.


06-20-2006, 11:34 AM
This seems like a good thread to post my question.

I have a 24' x 52" above ground pool with a 1Hp Astral pump and a Hayward 220T filter. The pump will be replaced this fall or winter during the end of season sales and price drops. I want to get the 1/2 Hp Hayword recommended on the Pool Solutions page.

I also have a timer that has seven settings per day. I'd like to minimize the pump time to reduce power consumption (obviously), but I also want to keep my water as pristine as possible (obviously).

As I am new to pool ownership, what would be an ideal schedule for me to start with my timer? Also, what I'm really looking for is why any suggested schedules are ideal as well. I want to make sure I understand why I am doing whatever it is I do. :)
You are more likely to get more views and more helpful advice if you would start your own thread instead of adding to the middle of another one--and it makes it much easier for those who respond to avoid confusion. Would you please repose your question, as a new thread, in the pool equipment and operations forum--you should get good feeback there.



06-20-2006, 12:50 PM
A couple of comments - waste mentioned running the pump long enough to move the equivalent of your pool volume through it once - isn't the conventional wisdom 2x that time?

Henrys514 mentioned letting the pump run for 24 hours after adding CYA - it will take longer than that for the CYA to dissolve so I don't think that running it for 24 hours is necessary (providing that you added the CYA to the skimmer or hang it in a sock).

And the "ideal" timer settings probably depend on your individual circumstances - when do you add chomicals to the pool? you probably want the pump running for at least an hour after you do that - when is it likely that the pool will be used the most? how much sun do you get? are you using a solar heater? does the water get too warm? - The answers to these questions should help you decide when to run your pump. I don't think there is any "wrong way" to do it. I run mine from about 9am to 1pm then 5 to 9:30PM.


06-20-2006, 06:59 PM
Peter, sorry for the confusion - I wasn't recommending a daily pump run time but, rather, the rule of thumb to be ~sure that the chems have mixed sufficiently (as in a case where you want to retest the water). You're right about 2 turnovers being the 'standard' daily run time :) - Waste