View Full Version : Trying to determine best installation location for ColorLogic lights

06-19-2018, 10:02 AM
Hello, first time pool owner and member here.

We are putting in an L-shaped pool (32'x14'x22') that has an 8" tanning ledge (14'x8' in the "L") with two steps. The steel panels are in and the rest of the dig is today.

We purchased four ColorLogic 320 lights and have to make a very quick decision on their locations. Right now the plan is to put one on each of the long ends and one on the side facing away from the house. The goal for the last one is to have it light up the tanning ledge and step area. I'm not able to attach a picture since this is my first post, but my choices for the fourth light would be 1) on top of the tanning ledge pointing toward the longest side of the pool; or 2) on the longest side of the pool pointing back at the tanning ledge.

What would you pick for maximum efficiency?

06-19-2018, 12:35 PM
Picture posting instructions: http://pool9.net/postpix/

Regarding lights . . . I don't know anything useful about the aesthetics.

All I know about pool lights is that they rarely work after 5 years.
the wiring is usually installed badly. (passing Code does NOT mean 'still works 5 years later!)
people use them less than they think they will.
lighting systems are often NOT salt-compatible.

I tried searching for existing answers, and couldn't find anything directly relevant. (Most of the questions & answers are on the issue of 'why doesn't it work?') I did look at ColorLogic reviews on Amazon; you might want to look at them, too.

A lot of unhappy people had reviewed, but I don't think the problems were unique to ColorLogic or Hayward. Installing pool lights in a durable and serviceable manner requires going BEYOND code requirements. The problem is that telling new pool owners, "Now, we can install pool lights like we usually do, and the price is $X. Our installations are just like all the other builders, and pass the Electrical Code. Your lights will work during the warranty period ( we hope!) and maybe a year or two after. When they break . . . we'll be long gone.

Or, we can install them so they are serviceable (if we can find that old PITA electrician who wants to put the wires in 3/4" copper tubing, and who rides our A## during back fill to make sure we don't crimp the tubing) and it will cost $800 more. It won't look better. It won't work better. It will just work longer, and when the lights do fail, they'll be pretty easy to replace. "

You see? Nobody is going to buy that.

And no smart pool salesman will bring that up during the 'honeymoon' period while you are getting your "amazing new pool with the really cool lighting".

So, I don't know what to tell you.

From where I sit, there's no solution to the question, "How can I put my pool lights in right?" that doesn't just turn me into the 'Bad News Bear'.


PS. If you register at TroubleFreePool (not my site) you'll get some different answers.

06-19-2018, 02:28 PM
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