View Full Version : BBB or SWCG ??

06-17-2006, 10:03 AM
First a funny... I have been reading these boards for about a week (we do not have our pool yet, but I want to be armed with all the GOOD info!) and had a dream that the moderators got together and kicked me off for "not contributing positive information to the board" :rolleyes: PLEEASE don't kick me off!!

Ok, I have read EVERYTHING on this board, or so it seems, and my first ? is for a friend. Yes, I know the first answer is "She needs to get Ben's kit."
She has an gunnite IG (chlorine based) in which she "cannot get the water right". (I do not know the method of testing, or the numbers, but that is really irrelavent for this thread...) Her pool guy is trying to sell her on a SWCG. If money was no object, which would you choose for your pool... BBB or SWCG?

((Testimony to BBB: I have a local friend who has a BBB pool and it is absolutely gorgeous!!))

Oh, her entire family is blonde, most of them natural! :D


06-17-2006, 10:10 AM

The SWG is simply a different source for chlorine instead of Clorox. Exactly the same principles apply as if you were using bleach.

The SWG will do nothing to help her unless she can find out where she is (thru testing) so she can find out where to go (thru more testing).

I will send a PM to the moderators asking them to throw you off the forum....they really enjoy "making peoples dreams come true":D :D :D

Just in case the smilies didn't convey it.....I am teasing, teasing, teasing!:)

06-17-2006, 02:02 PM


The moderators will help my dreams come true when I get my pool installed and running with ease and perfection, because I have learned so much on this board!! :D

Here's the same question put a different way: If she did NOT have a problem, but was considering a SWG, should she do it? Or should she just go with BBB and and skip all the fancy chemicals and equipment?

(PS I have read all the stuff I can find on PoolSolutions and on this board, and now my head is swimming (pun intended!) with too much information!! I am sure this is covered somewhere, sorry if it is... :o )



edited for gross spelling errors!!

06-17-2006, 02:16 PM
Hard to answer. She needs to do her own research and decide. In some respects, it's a matter of convenience traded off for price. That I can remember, I've never seen a post from an OWNER that has anything negative to say about them.

06-17-2006, 07:26 PM
I have a swg and would never ever ever think of going back to maunal chlorination again! I also test water all day in a pool store and get the same response from those who own a swg!

06-17-2006, 07:38 PM
SWC here! I really like the "feel" of the water compared to unsalted water plus the convienience is good as well. There is a slightly higher demand for acid vs a BBB pool so its kind of a give and take. She'll still need to keep bleach on hand in case the need arises to shock but other than that, for my needs, i wouldnt trade my SWC for anything.

06-17-2006, 07:51 PM
Actually, happily, there is NO wrong answer here! BBB and SWG are totally compatible with each other and, to me, the question is meaningless.

As a BBBer, I don't have an SWG, can't justify one, but I think they are just great. Plus, if you NEED to shock your pool in a hurry, you just add bleach with NO fear of side effects. As for the other two Bs, Borax and Baking soda, they, too are compatible, but SWGs tend to push pH up so you won't use Borax much.

It's a personal choice and both are good!

06-18-2006, 06:04 PM
Thanks, all!

And for all the other great info on this board! I am armed with a ton of good info so that when we get our AGP next season, I will be able to speak with the pool store guys, understand what they are saying, and not get hooked by hype! I will be using BBB with confidence right from the start, and not feel bad because I cannot have SWCG on AGP (would not want to risk corrosion!!)
