View Full Version : New user / question about FC test with the K2006

06-03-2018, 10:12 AM
First let me start by saying as a first time pool owner that the Poolsolutions.com site has been a HUGE help for me to get my solid green swamp pool to being able to see the bottom and have what appears to be balanced water! Thank you!

I believe as a result of running Tri-chlor tabs and shock all last season (that’s what the previous home owner ran and left for me) the stabilizer count is way high CYA @ > 100, I figure about 110-120 based on CYA test in K2006 kit. So I’m running a higher FC count to match the high CYA.

So this morning I test the FC using the 10ml -0.5 count test and it takes 17 drops, so I figure 8.5 ppm FC, I run the CC test, the sample barely turns red and takes just 1drop to clear so I figure 0.5 CC

I then rerun the test at the 25ml -0.2 count hoping to get better resolution on the CC results and this time it takes 58 counts to clear! That’s 11.6 ppm !? The CC again just 1 drop so I figure 0.2 CC.

So the question is what result should I rely on? I did rinse the comparator in pool water between test. Should I average them? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I have a 27’ above ground, vinyl liner, 17000 gallon pool running a Pentair 1.5 SPL HP pump and a Waterway Proclean PCCF-125 cartridge filter

Today’s readings are
FC 8.5-11.6?
CC 0.2
PH 7.6
ALK 120
CH 60
CYA > 100, possibly 110-120

Thank you for your time

06-03-2018, 12:06 PM
Short answer?

I don't know!

What would I recommend?

1. Go to Walmart, buy a bottle of DISTILLED water (not: spring; filtered, bottled, etc, but DISTILLED). And if you don't have PLAIN bleach at home, buy a jug of PLAIN bleach.

2. Find a glass or porcelain container into which your test block can be submerged.

3. Mix tap water + bleach at a 3:1 ratio and fill, covering the test block.

4. Wait 5 minutes, remove, rinse under pressure, repeat (wait, rinse)

5. Rinse AGAIN with distilled. Empty, then leave distilled water IN the block for an hour or so.

6. Then (Whew!) test your pool and see what happens.

06-03-2018, 12:07 PM
[ Upgraded membership; moved thread to "Testing" section <= you may need to log out and back in, before you can see everything.

06-03-2018, 01:29 PM
Ok, I already have the distilled water and bleach so I’ll perform the cleaning procedure and retest this afternoon,
Thank you.