View Full Version : Cracking exterior grout and rust on new cement pool

05-17-2018, 05:17 PM
Hi all. Brand new user and new pool owner. Briefly, we have a new in-ground cement pool with attached spa. It was filled 3 weeks ago. I wasn’t too happy with the exterior tile job on the spa but living with it. But today we noticed the grout on the outside of the spa (it’s white) is becoming discolored and cracking and falling out. All the way around the spa there’s rust seeping out from the grout lines. As I noted the tile job on the spa is pretty lousy which was a red flag. Also, the cool-decking is showing what looks like rust (brown) spots showing up.
I called the contractor and he said that sometimes this happens and he would check it out. I researched the internet and read that it could possibly be the rebar rusting out. On a three week old pool? I’ll try and post a couple pictures. Do you guys have any ideas?

05-17-2018, 11:48 PM
Sorry to say, the odds are you've been screwed. You've got two significant and unrelated failures within weeks of taking possession.

My work was always with very large commercial pools in the TN-AL-GA triangle area, but my local business is now closed. However, I've had extended contact over the last couple of years with some local pool service guys, who deal with higher end in-ground pools, and what I've learned has stunned me.
OVER 90% of newer high end in-ground pools in my area have serious problems.
There are no contractors available who can consistently and successfully install and pipe pool+spa or pool with zero edge installations successfully.
The ONLY pools being installed of moderate to high quality are simple COOKIE-CUTTER pools built by one of two builders who are older than I am.
Most of the guys doing pool-service and pool-maintenance lack the IQ to every be successful without extensive training and careful expert supervision.
There is no extensive training available.
There is no expert supervision available.

Here are my recommendations.

If there is a crusty old builder in Valdosta who builds decent pools . . . even if he has the customer relations skills of a crab . . . hire him to check your pool for serious problems or deficiencies. Do NOT call someone skilled in marketing, because they will not want to 'bad mouth' one of the local shysters.
Call a lawyer now and find out what you need to do to document the failures and preserve your rights.
If you didn't do due diligence on the business background of your builder, do it now. He may well be on the verge of bankruptcy.
Do this NOW. The worst builders in my area are always on the brink of bankruptcy.


05-18-2018, 09:32 AM
Hello and thanks for the insight. That’s not great news but I understand where you’re coming through. The owner is being somewhat casual about the situation but hasn’t been out to look at it. I sent a couple more pictures this morning and told him that what I’ve learned is that the rebar is rusting and this is a catastrophe happening. From what I’ve read online there isn’t an easy fix. The spa is going to have to be redone. Do you think it’s possible the piping for the spa jets could be leaking inside the concrete? This morning there’s rust running out from the bottom of the spa across the patio. I’m very dismayed.

05-18-2018, 01:15 PM
Honestly, without seeing it, and exposing some of the behind the concrete work, I really can't say.

But it is not uncommon to mismanage rebar and/or wire mesh. It is very, very unprofessional however.

This only intensifies my suspicions that you REALLY need to do some hard-core investigation AND 'lawyer up'. Like I noted, guys doing that sort of work in my area change LLCs about like they change underwear . . . and for the same reason: they are too full of 'mess' to use any more!

05-18-2018, 04:38 PM
I appreciate you taking time to answer me back. You manage a great and informative site.
I’ve been trying to get in touch with the builder and he always answers me in a few minutes. We’ve actually became pretty good friends but since I’ve settled my balance on the build can’t get ahold of him.
I’m pretty much dismayed and I’m almond positive that there’s some bigger issues going on. We’ve noticed now over a dozen areas on the patio with rust seeping through. We keep it hosed off every day so it’s not stain from leaves, etc. when I spray it with the hose it’s rusty water. He wasn’t here when his crew was working most of the time. My only hope that since he’s been in the business for a number of years and is well known that’ll he’ll repair everything. As I’ve read on here and learned I realize that he over sold us on several things. Thanks again for the insight.

05-18-2018, 05:38 PM
Sorry for the experience you're having; I wish it was not so common!