View Full Version : And so it begins... IG plaster pool leaking?!

06-15-2006, 04:13 PM
So I have had the pool open since May 2nd of this year and been fine except for replacing the pump motor on opening. In all this time the water level has been steady. Filled it once or twice besides the rainfall and it stayed halfway up the skimmer. SUDDENLY this past week I have noticed the water level dropping an 1inch to 1 1/2 inches per day. Last night after work I filled it just below the mid-line (it was raining so I was worried about overfill but then it stopped) and today I went home at lunch (EST) to get a water sample for L's and it was down to 1 inch or so above the tiles... barely enough for the skimmer. Now I know I should do the bucket test which I will commence tonight (I didn't want tests flawed by intermitten rain during setup) but what do you think is the most likely spot to be leaking? Should I plug the returns and shut off the drains and leave the pool for 24 hours doing the bucket test? Will my water turn against me? Is 12 hours enough time? At an 1inch or so a day should I just hook up an auto-fill hose to the pool? Grrrr just in time for pool season.

Is this normal water loss? Am I being paranoid???? I find it hard to believe but here are some #s

FC 6ppm
TC 6ppm
CYA ~30ppm
TA 120ppm
CH 200+ppm
Pool Temp 79degrees
Air Temp 80 day/60 night
Decent Winds 10+ mph
22K pool IG
Spill over spa

06-15-2006, 04:34 PM
Air Temp 80 day/60 night
Decent Winds 10+ mph
22K pool IG

My IG pool is roughly the same capacity as yours.

A while back we had a 5-6 day period where our weather conditions matched yours listed above. My pool had been holding steady water levels, then during that period lost over 3" of water to evaporation. Now it's holding steady again.

I was out at dusk one night and you could see the evaporation. It looked like weak dry ice :)

I'd run the test but not panic. I feel chances are good it's simply evaporation. There's been similar experiences posted here lately.

06-15-2006, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the info... I noticed the posts today and was thinking something similar. I will still try the bucket test but will not fire-bomb the old owner's new place.