View Full Version : Liner leaking what to do?

09-24-2016, 09:40 AM
Have a water loss of 1" 24 hours due to liner leak. Plumbing tested and other opening areas tested with dye. Had a diver replace the hydrostatic valve and searched for leak but didn't find. 16 x 32 in ground. Water is below eye balls and still dropping . I'm in Ohio weather here is still warm but I was closing the pool for winter.
Should I let the leak continue (still lookin for leak) to let the level find it. How low can I let it go without causing other problems with the liner The liner is 7 years old. Adding to the situation the solar cover reel was pulled into the pool in a storm one week prior to the pool closing when leak was detected.. It landed in the shallow area we have looked it over many times looking for damage. Dye testing and visual can't find anything. If the leak is there what happens if the shallow area is completely drained? What to do ?

09-25-2016, 10:39 AM
My follow up! My account must have seemed rather confusing . Here is a simple explanation.
We had a pool leak in the liner, all tests pointed to a liner leak. We were losing 1 inch every 18 hours . we searched for a week using any means to locate the leak. At a last resort my wife and I decided to put new bigger ( 4 inch) patches over to smaller patches we had from years ago. They were both about 3 ft down from an accident I caused 5 years ago. We had dye tested these patches with red food color (takes about 3 days to wear off your hands, lol) and did not see a leak. This morning checked water level and it did not drop overnight. My conclusion is that finding a leak with dye is harder than you think! I'm hoping we were lucky enough to find it.
Now my question is this .How low can the water be left for over the winter? Its about 2 inches below the return eyeballs.