View Full Version : New User Question

05-21-2016, 10:12 PM
trying to get out of newb jail, had a whole post typed up about my levels and algea, for a pool we have as first time homeowners. Think my issue is not hitting shock levels and running the pump enough.

So I ran my pump all night and based on some reviews bought some skimmer socks. Probably a bad idea with algea in my pool as it clogged up and in the am my pump was trickling water in. I hope i didn't do permanent damage, but my pressure seems to be back up and I have no leaks. One problem is I did bump my pool and turn on the pump and my pool was flooded with algea from the DE filter. I have no option to vacuum to waste unfortunately. SO I drained the filter, but some water was bypassing the drain on running the pump and still pumping algea back into the pool. First question, should i be super worried about the pump? I know I may have damaged some longevity on it, and initially pressure was really poor until i bumped the filter, pulled out the basket, and sealed the pump filter cover better (may have been an air leak as well).

Second question is regarding the algea still being bright green. I shocked my pool this time with liquid chlorine and ran the pump all night. Last time I shocked with granual (this is second time I got algea in a month) and the algea certainly died as there was lots of whitish gray crud at the bottom with some existing dark green algea. Cleared up nicely after 2 days. This time the next day the algea is still bright green. I brushed it up and vacuumed some before having my pump/filter fiasco. Tonight i drained the de from the filter and had to lower the levels in the pool due to heavy rains (and my pressure kept rising quickly). My plan is tomorrow to clean the filter with some of the muriatic acid from my borax process, re-add de, and run the pump. but at likely higher chlorine levels, why is my algea not seeming to die and still bright green? We've been getting a lot of rain, and I think the overnight algea coverage might be related to loads of pollen we got recently that literally plastered my walls.

post my recent shock, i'm reading FC at 13.5 and CC at less than .05, and a PH around 7.5 but still green algea.
The morning before the shocking (second day of algea but first day work didn't have me too busy) I had finally received my taylor kit and ran the numbers (I had been using a pool store kit [they were shocked when i asked for one] and strips which showed me having CC levels over 5 so i couldn't believe I got algea like that) and below is what I got vs pool store numbers:
taylor kit numbers -
PH 7.2
TA 124
FC 3.5
cc .5
CYA 50

Pool store numbers
FC 1.4
TC 2.0
PH 7.6
hardness 280
TA 130
CYA 35
coppter .06
iron 0.

any suggestions, should i keep at it. Should I look at a pump gasket kit. I'm thinking maybe pulling the hosing apart and checking the impeller for debris.