View Full Version : Solar Pump

12-28-2015, 11:00 AM
Does anyone use a Solar Powered Pump?
Do you really save $$ over electricity?
Model suggestions?

Happy new year!


01-02-2016, 02:08 AM
Don't have an answer for you, but Happy New Year to you too!

Anonymous [GDPR] European in the UK
01-03-2016, 09:47 AM
Have done a solar (PV) powered setup for someone who had the pool on the other side of the road to their house. The cost of running a power feed under the road was just ridiculous therefore solar was the only option. I may just put a solar panel on mine this year but only to demonstrate it can be done as the payback period can be too long in my case compared to mains electricity. Then again I am doing things very differently to other pool people with super low energy setup I only use around 50-60 watts to filter my water (12000 US gallons) so you can see that a solar PV setup has to be needed to justify the additional equipment needed (battery, inverter, charge regulator etc).

I have seen other setups that use a PV array but surely the cost of all that to run the pump can't produce much of a saving? I know some people who use the Lorentz pump on solar but really this is an unnecessary and expensive way of achieving the same thing.

Mark, You don't give out any information on your current setup (signature info) so can't help any further at this point