View Full Version : Skimmer

06-14-2006, 01:04 PM
Hello everyone,
For an in ground pool what type of skimmer is best? The one with the door or the one that has the skimmer basket that floats up and down? I have the one that floats up and down and one day I got air in my system and my pool builder said that the type of skimmer I have could have caused the air to get in the system by the basket getting stuck in the up letting the air in. He wants to replace it with the door type.
Please advise
Thank you!

06-15-2006, 03:49 PM
I have had both types and I prefer the one with the door on the front. I currently have the basket that floats up and down. It has got stuck in the up position after it rained and the pool was a little to full causing it to suck air. It also seems to make more noise than the door type.

06-15-2006, 04:18 PM
That is exactly what mine did after it rained hard.