View Full Version : Using the Aerator

08-06-2015, 12:23 PM
Hello, living in Arizona my pool is real warm this time of year to the point that it is not even refreshing and I don't use it.

Does running the aerator actually cool the pool or just speed up evaporation?

08-06-2015, 12:42 PM
Well, evaporation is an energy absorbing action, so it DOES have a cooling effect, though whether it will help much depends on how much evaporation is going on. But it will tend to increase your pH. We recommend aeration when one is lowering TA and needs to raise pH without TA rising.

running your filter at night with the pool uncovered should bleed off some heat energy as well. Consider solar panels. If you run them at night it speeds up cooling, like a giant car radiator. Don't run them during the day.

08-06-2015, 03:42 PM
Where I live, its been 90-100 degrees for most of the summer. Running my solar heater at night is the difference between a 90 degree pool or 95+ degrees, which is no longer refreshing. And that is even leaving the solar cover on to prevent evaporation.