View Full Version : CH in a vinyl lined pool

07-24-2015, 05:50 PM
I have an inground pool with a vinyl liner. I've been doing regular testing with my numbers in "acceptable" ranges all summer. Recently I started wondering what effect calcium hardness has on the liner. My CH started at 210 in spring and is at 250 now. My readings from today are below if it matters, but I'm curious where CH needs to be for vinyl

FC = 2.6
CC = 0.0
TA = 180
CH = 250

07-24-2015, 05:53 PM
Calcium can be anything from 0 to 400 in a vinyl pool. Calcium is solely to protect the calcium in plaster, concrete or mortar. It is useless in vinyl pools. I test twice a summer just to make sure the CH isn't too high. Period.

07-24-2015, 07:22 PM
That's good to know. I'm on a well and have an iron filter and softener before the pool faucet. The CH of that water tests at 250, so I know we're not adding calcium to the water. I have some scale on the liner left over from a major problem two years ago. I'm slowly getting rid of it, but wasn't sure if a lower CH would help. Everything I've read says the only way to lower CH is replacing water.

07-24-2015, 08:25 PM
Pool stores will swear on a stack of scriptures you need calcium in your vinyl pool. You don't. A CH of 250ppm is just fine.