View Full Version : Oops...used HD outdoor bleach

07-02-2015, 07:29 AM
a bottle of Home Depot outdoor bleach was mixed in with the regular and I poured it in the pool...realizing after that it was the outdoor bleach. There are NO ingredients on the bottle that I could find. I though everything had to have ingredients listed. Does anyone know what is in this bleach? It smelled very strong while pouring. I haven't tested the water again, but I hope it didn't have other ingredients that will cause problems.

07-02-2015, 07:57 AM
found this for you.
looks like only 5% strength

07-02-2015, 08:12 AM
Thanks you...hopefully nothing else is in there that will mess with the balance or be harmful.

07-02-2015, 08:40 AM
Expect your pH to rise: the stuff contains sodium hydroxide, aka caustic lye, which is exceedingly basic. I would guess that only one gallon in 23k gallons won't be a big problem.
But I'd never use it again.

chem geek
07-03-2015, 12:43 AM
There is lye in all bleach or chlorinating liquid since the higher pH stabilizes the hypochlorite. However, this product has more lye than normal bleach so Carl is right that it will tend to raise the pH some. Specifically, one gallon of this product would need around 2.8 fluid ounces of full-strength Muriatic Acid to compensate for the excess lye in it.

However, the main problem with Outdoor bleach is that just like splash-less bleach it also contains thickeners (not listed in the MSDS because they are not hazardous) and these can cause foaming in swimming pools. If this happens, just scoop up the foam from the surface of the pool. And as Carl says, don't use this again.

07-03-2015, 07:06 AM
"this product has more lye than normal bleach " which is why when you look it up "Sodium Hydroxide" is listed as an ingredient though not on household bleach.

I didn't know about the d*** thickeners! Thanks, Richard!