View Full Version : HELP - Green Hazy Water and 0 Free Chlorine

05-31-2015, 08:55 PM
I have just moved into a house in December. It has an in ground pool - 11,500 gallons - Fiberglass. 14x32 size with 3 to 6 feet. We opened the pool May 18, 2015. It was a clear green & I noticed didn't smell great. I chalked it up to it being a chlorine pool. (our previous house, we had a chlorine pool & converted to salt & it was vinyl in ground and was 16,500 gallons - never had a problem like this one we are encountering with our new pool)

Pool company opened pool - we ended up losing a lot of water b/c the pool person didn't set the pumps properly so every time the pool was off, the water level dropped significantly. This happened twice until I figured out that the drain wasn't set on the right dial.

We wanted to swim but I was weary b/c of the clear green water & the slight strange odor. So before our first swim, we took water sample to Leslie's to get it tested. Here were the results:
FAC = 0
CH= 0
TDS = 500

They told us to put in 16 lbs of Hardness and 2 lbs of Alkalinity Up and shock the pool. That night, I put in 2 bags of shock and then the 16 lbs of hardness. The water within less than 20 min turned very dark green. We called the pool store. They said it was my fault for putting in both chemicals too close in time.

The store said to bring another water sample. I did. This time they said that there was copper in the water and that is why it turned green and to use Metal Out. Over the period of about 5 days, I used Metal Out on 4 days @ $26/bottle (until I realized I could get it on Amazon for $10/bottle) It took 4 bottles of Metal Out to clear the pool BUT the FC was still 0. The pool store told me to shock the pool. I did with 1 bag of shock AND it turned green again! A much lighter green but still turned green. They said to continue to add Metal Out. I did - and also did research on your website. I added Arm & Hammer baking soda pool tabs Clear Balance to my skimmer and I added Super Blue.

Still green and hazy. We did swim in it twice - I couldn't enjoy it b/c it still wasn't right. My husband went under wanter with goggles and said it was very hazy. Took pool sample today 5/31 to pool store - here were the readings:
FAC = 0 (was 0)
TAC=0 (was 0)
CH= 300(was 0)
CYA=60 (was 100)
TA=80 (was 70)
PH=7.3 (was 7.2)
Copper=0 (was 0)
Iron=0 (was 0)
TDS = 800 (was 500)
Pho=300 (was 100)

I re-explained that the water is still green and hazy and I noted that the white fiber glass pool looks like it now has a slight yellow tint on it. Not sure if that means anything. So pool store told me to add 2 gallons of liquid chlorine & run filter and re-test tomorrow and bring in another sample. I added 2 gallons of the liquid chlorine - pool turned MORE green and more hazy! (needless to say, my husband is really angry- he wants to just stop adding anything and let it run) I don't think that will solve anything though either. =-(

We have been pretty much running the pump NON STOP! (not looking forward to electric and water bill!) We have the paperwork from original owner that this is a 1.5 HP Pump and Motor Energy Saving and Sand Filter.

Can anyone help? We have never had this type of issue with our old salt pool. Can't wait to have the $$ to convert this chlorine pool to salt.

Thank you!!!!