View Full Version : Replacing reagents in the K2006 kit

04-26-2015, 10:36 PM

Admin Edit:
Please use the updated version (http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/showthread.php/29270) of this post. PoolDoc


Sorry in advance if this is in a FAQ somewhere, but I had heard some of the test reagents from my K2006 might not be good the next year. Just curious what these might be? I'm heading to the store tomorrow to pick up some chlorine and will get new reagents if needed.


04-26-2015, 10:47 PM
Keeping my Taylor reagents inside the house protected from heat and light I've had no issues getting at least 2 seasons out of them.

chem geek
05-01-2015, 03:26 PM
See Recognizing a Compromised Reagent (http://www.taylortechnologies.com/ChemistryTopicsCM.ASP?ContentID=2) from the Taylor website. I list below the chemicals found in various kits, grouped roughly by shelf life based on their content.

Indicator Dyes and FAS-DPD
(most sensitive; replace at least every 2 years if kept in cool dark place; if not cool, replace every year) R-0004/R-0014 Phenol red pH indicator dye
also contains a mix of proprietary chlorine neutralizers (not thiosulfate)
R-0600 Orthotolidine (OTO), chlorine indicator dye
R-0870 N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD)
powdered indicator dye plus phosphate buffer, EDTA and organic acid
R-0871 Ferrous ammonium sulfate (FAS), titrant reagent
R-0008 Bromocresol green and Methyl red, Total Alkalinity (TA) indicator combination dye
R-0011L 1 - (Calcon indicator), Calcium Hardness (CH) indicator dye

Indeterminate shelf-life play it safe and replace every 2 years R-0003 Potassium iodide
used for combined chlorine (CC) test or total chlorine (TC) tests - sunlight plus oxygen oxidizes it
R-0007 Sodium thiosulfate, chlorine neutralizer
R-0012 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Calcium Hardness (CH) titrating reagent -- published shelf-life 18-48 months
R-0013 Melamine, Cyanuric Acid (CYA) reagent

(least sensitive; essentially no degradation) R-0005 Hydrochloric acid, acid demand reagent
R-0006 Sodium hydroxide, base demand reagent
R-0009 Sulfuric acid, for TA titration
R-0010 Sodium hydroxide, Calcium Hardness (CH) buffer